Journal of Business, Social and Technology (Bustechno) |
Ridwan Institute,
Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]
Libraries are inseparable from the
learning of students in schools in search of science. The facilities provided by
this school are very useful for all students if they can make the most of it.
The collection of books in the library should always be updated at each period
in accordance with the application of the education system implemented by the
government. However, not all libraries apply technology in the process of
library activities such as book borrowing, member registration, book search and
others (Nazrudin, 2012).
The development of Information
Technology began to receive a positive response from the public. Its
development is not only welcomed and enjoyed by businesses and governments, but
also began to penetrate in the world of education because integrated
availability is increasingly important in supporting efforts to create the next
generation of competitive nations (Indrajani, 2011).
At the moment at State Vocational High
School X Bandung
all data on the processing of library administration data does not yet have a
good management application. Everything from the collection of borrowing or
book returns to the creation of library administration reports is still done in
writing in the bookkeeping by the administration. This often results in poor
results and takes a long time (Jogiyanto, 2017).
A software library generally consists of
pre-written code, classes, procedures, scripts, configuration data and more.
Typically, a developer might manually add a software library to a program to
achieve more functionality or to automate a process without writing code for
it. For example, when developing a mathematical program or application, a
developer may add a mathematics software library to the program to eliminate
the need for writing complex functions. All of the available functions within a
software library can just be called/used within the program body without defining
them explicitly. Similarly, a compiler might automatically add a related
software library to a program on run time (Kurniadi, 2000).
The value of the library lies in the
reuse of standard program elements. When a program calls a library, it gets the
behavior applied within that library without having to implement the behavior
itself. The library encourages modular code sharing and makes code distribution
easy (Kurniadi, 2000).
The behavior implemented by the library
can be linked to the calling program at different phases of the program
lifecycle. If the library code is accessed during the creation of the calling
program, then the library is called a static library (Yin, Huang, & Jiang, 2010). The
alternative is to build an executable from the calling program and distribute
it, regardless of the library implementation. The library behavior is linked
after the executable is called for execution, either as part of the process
starting execution, or in the middle of execution. In this case the library is
called a dynamic library (loaded at runtime). Dynamic libraries can be loaded
and linked when preparing the program for execution, by linking. Or, in the
middle of execution, the application can explicitly request the module to be
loaded (Fitriani, 2020).
Most compiled languages
have standard libraries, although programmers can also create
their own custom libraries. Most modern software systems provide libraries that
implement most of the system services. The library has set up services that
require modern applications. Thus, most of the code used by modern applications
is provided in these system libraries (Rinaldy & Hendrian, 2019).
Data collection techniques are carried out to obtain all
information and data related to the need for completion of the final task. As
for the things that are done as follows:
1. Field
It is a research
design that combines literature searches and surveys based on experience or
case studies where researchers attempt to identify important variables (Sutanta, 2011).
a. Observation
The method is
carried out to systematically identify data done either by paying attention
directly or indirectly to the objects studied and taking visual data according
to research needs so that no data is missed in the development of library
information system at State Vocational High School X Bandung using Visual
Basic 6.0.
b. Interview
Is a technique
of collecting data, news, facts and information in the field that the process
can be done by asking directly to the parties who can provide information about
the problem that is being researched or indirectly such as making telephone,
email and letter (written interview) (Amin, 2014).
2. Literature
are made by the author to gather relevant information on topics and issues that
will or are being researched. The information can be obtained from scientific
books, research reports, scientific papers, thesis, and dissertations,
regulations, statutes, yearbooks, encyclopedias and written sources both printed
and electronic and internet.
Results and Discussion
A. System Design
1. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
The system
design that the author uses are Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD), Flowchart
Document, Flowchart Program, File Structure, HIPO, Menu Design, Output Design
and Program Implementation (Li & Chen, 2009).
Entity Relationship
Diagram (ERD)
2. Program Structure HIPO
Figure 2
HYPO Structure
3. Program
View Design
Input design is
a form of filling form design related to data processing system in the program,
a. Login
View Design
�Login menu there is one data that must be
entered, namely User Name and Password.
Figure 3
Login View Design
b. Main
Menu View Design
In the main menu
there are facilities sub menu file input, master input, transaction input,
report and exit. Sub-menus will be described next.
Figure 4
Main Menu View Design
c. Officer
Data Form Display Design
Figure 5
Officer Data Display Design
d. Member
Data Form View Design
Figure 6
Member Data View Design
e. Book
Data Form View Design
Figure 7
Book Data View Design
f. �Book Loan Data Form Design
Figure 8
Loan Data View Design
g. �Return Data Form View Design
Figure 9
Return Data View Design
1. �Relationships Between Tables
Figure 10
Relationships Between Tables
2. Database Structure
The database
used in the creation of the Library Application Program at State Vocational
High School X Bandung
city is using Microsoft Access 2007 consists of five tables, namely:
Officer Table
Table 1
Database Structure (Officer)
Field Name |
Type |
Size |
Keterangan |
User_Id |
Number |
Long Integer |
Primary Key |
Nama |
Text |
15 |
- |
Jabatan |
Text |
25 |
- |
Password |
Text |
6 |
- |
Members Table
Table 2
Database Structure (Member)
Field Name |
Type |
Size |
Keterangan |
No_Reg |
Text |
7 |
Primary Key |
Nama_Siswa |
Text |
50 |
- |
Jenis_Kelamin |
Text |
10 |
- |
Jurusan |
Text |
10 |
- |
Kelas |
Number |
Long Integer |
- |
Alamat |
Text |
80 |
- |
Table Book
Table 3
Database Structure (Books)
Field Name |
Type |
Size |
Keterangan |
No_Buku |
Number |
Long Integer |
Primary Key |
Judul |
Text |
50 |
- |
Pengarang |
Text |
30 |
- |
Penerbit |
Text |
12 |
- |
Kelas |
Number |
Long Integer |
- |
Tahun_Terbit |
Number |
Long Integer |
- |
Lending Table
Table 4
Field Name |
Type |
Size |
Keterangan |
Kode_Pinjam |
Text |
5 |
Primary Key |
Tanggal_Pinjam |
Date/Time |
- |
- |
No_Reg |
Text |
6 |
- |
Nama_Anggota |
Text |
50 |
- |
Kelas |
Number |
Long Integer |
- |
Jurusan |
Text |
20 |
- |
No_Buku |
Text |
6 |
- |
Judul_Buku |
Text |
60 |
- |
Pengarang |
Text |
25 |
- |
Penerbit |
Text |
15 |
- |
Tahun_Terbit |
Number |
Long Integer |
- |
Jatuh_Tempo |
Date/Time |
- |
- |
Database Structure (Borrowing)
Return Table
Table 5
Database Structure (Returns)
Field Name |
Type |
Size |
Keterangan |
Kode_Pengembalian |
Text |
6 |
Primary Key |
Kode_Peminjaman |
Text |
6 |
- |
Nama_Anggota |
Text |
50 |
- |
Judul_Buku |
Text |
60 |
- |
Jatuh_Tempo |
Date/Time |
- |
- |
Tanggal_Kembali |
Date/Time |
- |
- |
Telat |
Number |
Long Integer |
- |
Denda |
Number |
Long Integer |
- |
Table 6
Database Structure (Fine)
Field Name |
Type |
Size |
Keterangan |
Kode_Pengembalian |
Text |
6 |
Primary Key |
Buku_Rusak |
Text |
6 |
- |
Buku_Hilang |
Text |
6 |
- |
3. Compile Program
a. From the
Start menu, select Programs, select Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0, select
Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Tools select Package & Deployment Wizard (Muchlas Amal Yusuf, 2011).
Figure 11
Compile Program Steps
b. From the
Package & Deployment Wizard window, click Browse and select the project
file in the Application Library Program folder.
Figure 12
Compile Program Steps
1) Once the
program project file of the application library is selected, click the Package
2) If the
project you selected has never been compiled from Visual Basic 6.0 Program,
then the Package and Deployment Wizard dialog box will appear and click Compile
to compile it now.
Figure 13
Compile Program Steps
After the author discussed this Final
Task, the author concluded that with the implementation of the Library Application
Program at SMK Negeri X Bandung
city for data security in storage and reports better or organized and service
performance more effective. It is hoped that more secure databse files should
be backed up with antivirus. By using this application program is expected to
facilitate in making a report with good quality. It is expected that the report
will not be slowed due to human resources that do not support this Application
Program. With the implementation of this Application Program, officers can find
out the loan, book return easily and quickly, can also find out how much the late
penalty in the return of the book. It is hoped that this application can make
officers more thorough to know the loan, book return and delay in returning the
book accurately to be able to know the late penalty to remind members.
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Sukma Hendrian (2021) |
publication right : Journal of
Business, Social and Technology (Bustechno) |
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