Journal of Business, Social and Technology (Bustechno)




Widia Ningsih

Ridwan Institute (RIn) Sumber Cirebon, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]








Article Information:







communication; persuasive; Interest

Human beings are social beings, where each other needs an interaction and relationship which in this case is channeled by communication, both verbal and non verbal. One form of communication that is very important, especially that is often done in public spaces today including also in the world of music industry is a form of persuasive communication. Which in this case is a persuasive form of communication of the superstar live music event tembang pantura to attract the audience broadcast by local television Radar Cirebon. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptor method. Where researchers try to describe and analyze the data collected through literature studies, obervasi and interviews to singers in a live music event superstar tembang pantura broadcast by local television Radar Cirebon. Based on the results of literature studies, observations and interviews can be concluded: first, the persuasive communication of dangdut singer Tembang pantura in Supersetar event has not been effective enough so that the audience (audience) is less enthusiastic and lacks a good response or response to the appearance of the singer, especially when the singer performs songs that rhythmically sad. Second, persuasive communication efforts are carried out by displaying attractive dress styles, greetings using regional languages, inviting the audience to choose songs and dance together. Third, the singer's poor sound quality greatly inhibits the effectiveness of persuasive communication process performed.



Human beings are social beings, where each other needs an interaction and relationship preceded by a communication. In the development of human life, the process of communication can be done directly or indirectly (through gestures/symbols) is a very important role in the continuity and development of good relations with the public (Hennessey Jr & Bernardin, 2003). The role of communication is very important for human beings, communication also has a goal to achieve information to the public or a goal so that the message conveyed can be understood, so that the purpose of the delivery of information through communication can be achieved (Daryanto, 2011). It takes skill to expand the relationship from the small circle of people you are currently in to the large circle of people you will meet. This kind of skill that guarantees will catapult your success in life (Walgito, 2010).

People and communication are one entity. Communication is inherent in the human self, so we can not communicate (Sukmalana, 2007). The existence of communication, because it is so attached to the human self is often unnoticed. Human beings tend to assume that they have the ability to communicate. As a result, problems that arise relating to communication, are often solved on their own (Awe & Benge, 2017).

In studying persuasive communication, understanding the philosophical aspects of persuasive communication, it is strongly emphasized. This is considering that persuasive communication, as well as other sciences, has three philosophical aspects of science, namely the ontology aspect, epistemological aspect, and axological aspect (Ubaidillah, 2020).

By understanding these three aspects of the philosophy of science, you can distinguish the various sciences contained in the nature of human life. The most important thing is that you will recognize the characteristics of Persuasive Communication Science, and can make the most of it for the welfare of mankind (Sobur, 2000).

Aspects of ontology, concerning the question of what is studied by a science, aspects of epistemology related to the question of how to obtain the science, and aspects of axology related to the question of the use of the science (Ibrahim & Hamidah, 2017).

In conducting persuasive communication, we must understand the criteria for persuasion responsibility, as Larson points out, that there is an equal opportunity to influence each other, inform the audience about the purpose of persuasion, and consider audience attendance".

Good communication is also indispensable in the world of voice-pulling, especially for singers to attract the attention of their audience. Nowadays there are many singers who use certain techniques in communicating with the audience or audience to attract attention. Especially dangdut singers (Moleong, 2019). Dangdut is one of the genres of music art that is developing in Indonesia. This form of music is rooted in Malay music in the 1940s. In the evolution towards the contemporary form now entered the influence of elements of Indian music (mainly from the use of tabla) and Arabic (on bending and harmonization). The changing political flow of Indonesia in the late 1960s opened the influx of strong western music influences with the influx of electric guitars and also the form of marketing. Since the 1970s dangdut is arguably mature in its contemporary form. As popular music, dangdut is very open to the influence of other forms of music, ranging from keroncong, langgam, degung, gambus, rock, pop, even house music.

The mention of the name "dangdut" is an onomatope of the sound of tabla games (in the dangdut world called drums only) of Indian music. Putu Wijaya originally mentioned in the May 27, 1972 issue of Tempo magazine that the Indian song Boneka is a mixture of Malay songs, desert rhythms, and Indian "dang-ding-dut". This designation is then summarized into "dangdut" only and by the magazine is used to refer to the form of malay songs affected by Indian songs. Contemporary dangdut has been different from its roots, malay music, although one can still feel its touch. Orkes Melayu (commonly abbreviated as OM, a term that is still often used for a dangdut band) uses original musical instruments such as acoustic guitars, accordions, tambourines, gambus, and flutes, even gongs.

Nowadays, many malay organs or orchestras are developing in Cirebon. The musical style of this time still persisted until the 1970s, although at that time there was also a major change in the Malay music scene driven by the Soneta Group led by Rhoma Irama. Some names from the 1970s that can be called are Mansyur S., Ida Laila, A. Rafiq, and Muchsin Alatas. The popularity of Malay music can be seen from the exit of several Malay pop albums by the pop music group Koes Plus in its heyday.

Dangdut singers today are not as it used to be that can be counted with fingers, nowadays many women or men who work as dangdut singers because the money can be quite promising. However, the competition is getting tighter, therefore dangdut singers must have good communication techniques to attract the attention of their audience so that he can continue to be trusted to entertain the audience.

Dangdut music fans have many options offered, namely with singers who can with all kinds of songs including tarling and pop songs. Many dangdut pantura singers are now a trend or choice of society to be a figure displayed to entertain in events such as weddings, circumcision, and events that are lively. The dangdut tarling pantura singer is now phenomenal with the works presented in songs that tell about her personal life and with her style of language that can attract an audience (Ahmadi & Supriyono, 2008).

Super setar is one of the programs aired on Radar Cirebon Televisi that airs live dangdut music entertainment with the support of the band Hadi n Friends and brings singers dangdut tarling pantura. The dangdut tarling singers who were brought in were local singers from Ciayumajakuning (Cirebon, Indramayu, Majalengka, Kuningan).

Communication is what dangdut tarling pantura singers do in attracting the audience to dance. With the aim of entertaining the audience, it is not uncommon for singers to use persuasive communication techniques or with their own language style.

Based on the care carried out by researchers at Radar Cirebon Televisi showed that the communication techniques of the singers dangdut tarling pantura to attract the interest of the dance audience is still very lacking. This can be seen from :

1.    The level of enthusiasm, still low level of enthusiasm of the audience, this can be seen from the song sung or the voice of the singer.

For example: the songs performed are sad songs and from the voice of the singer that is not interesting to hear.

2.    Less active to the audience, still kurannya singers who offer a choice of songs directly to the audience in the studio.

For example: the audience only becomes listeners of songs that singers bring.

Based on the care that researchers did on Radar Cirebon Television the condition is caused by:

3.    Language style, lack of invitation from singers to attract a dancing audience.

For example: the singer is just silent there are no words of greeting to the audience so that the audience is less sponged when the singer performs.

4.    The initial attitude of the singers themselves, singers are very obliged to always give their best smile in front of all the audience.

Example: there are singers who are just silent without giving a smile so that makes the audience feel lazy to pay attention.

Based on the background above, researchers are interested in trying to raise the issue as the title of research that is "Persuasive Communication Singer Dangdut Tarling Pantura To Attract Audience".



The research method used in this research is qualitative research with naturalistic method. Guba (1985) uses the name Naturalistic Inquiry (naturalistic inquiry), because the prominent feature of qualitative research is the way of observing and collecting data conducted in natural setting, meaning without manipulating the subject studied (as is, natural).

The purpose of naturalistic research is to know the actuality, social reality and human perception through their recognition that may not be revealed through the promination of formal measurements or research questions that have been prepared in advance. Naturalistic researchers believe that to understand the most appropriate social symptoms is if they are able to obtain supporting facts whose source comes from the perceptions and expressions of the perpetrators themselves. The approach used in this method is a descriptive approach.

Descriptive research aims to give an exact picture of the state or development of an object of ongoing research.


Results and Discussion

Chapter IV contains the discussion of data from and research results on persuasive communication conducted by singer dangdut tarling pantura in Super Setar Program to attract the audience. After that, this chapter will also describe what has been described in the previous chapters and relate it to the results of the data collection that has been obtained.

In this study, the selected informant is Super Setar RCTV Producer who is fully responsible for Super Setar program, dangdut tarling pantura singer who often guest star or performer and also Super Setar audience both at home and in RCTV studio.

Super Setar itself is a program that brisikan performances dangdut tarling pantura singers. And on the program, the singer tried to invite the audience to participate in the singing he performed. In each performance, the singers have their own persuasive way of communicating to be able to attract the audience.

The informants that are the source of the research data are contained in the following table

Table 1

Informant Data





Ryan Haryanto

Produser Super Setar RCTV


Nunung Alvi

Penyanyi Dangdut Tarling Pantura


Irma Airlangga

Penyanyi Dangdut Tarling Pantura


Wiwin Adelton

Penyanyi Dangdut Tarling Pantura



Penonton Super Setar



Penonton Super Setar


Mama Mako

Penonton Super Setar



Penonton Super Setar


1.     Persuasive Communication Singer Dangdut Tarling Pantura

Based on the observations and interviews of researchers, dangdut tarling pantura singers do many ways to invite and invite the audience.

a.    Stimulus

Stimulus is stimuli or encouragement, so the stimulus element in the SOR is a stimulant in the form of messages or content and statements.

Based on the results of interviews that have been conducted by researchers, it is known that dangdut singers begin their action on stage by saying hello. Afterwards, they try to throw out sentences that are light but can entertain the audience.

"When I go on stage, I always start by saying hello. Afterwards, in Cirebon language, I slipped greetings to the loyal audience. Like titip salam kanggo mamae Ani, balike gawa duren jeh." (the result of an interview with Nunung Alvi, Singer Dangdut Tarling Pantura).

Not only that, another stimulus performed by dangdut tarling pantura singers is to invite the audience to join in singing and to the stage. At least to shake things up.

"In the middle of singing also to be more familiar with the audience, I try to invite, let's join, rocking on stage." (interview with Wiwin Adelton, dangdut tarling pantura singer).

Another stimulus performed by the singer is to praise the loyal audience, to also dance and sawer. In his communication, the tarling dangdut pantura singers also use regional languages to be more familiar.

"If you speak Indonesian, the nuances of the area can not, and less familiar with the audience." (interview with Irma Airlangga, dangdut tarling pantura singer)

Including dangdut singers like to ask the audience to sing together. After each song, the singers like to ask the audience to request the song to be sung.

"If you ask the audience to choose the song, it's a powerful way to get the audience to join in." (interview with dangdut tarling singer Nunung Alvi)

In addition, dangdut singers also like to give jokes in every pause between songs. This is done as a way to reduce the middle and make the atmosphere familiar.

In addition to verbal sentences, the singer also tries to provide movements that can keep the audience interested. Like waving hands, smiling, pulling the audience to sway.

"Smiles become the beginning of warmth and intimacy. It feels closer to the audience." (the result of an interview with dangdut tarlingan singer, Irma Erlangga).

But unfortunately, not all singers can also interact well. The attention given by some singers dangdut tarling pantura sometimes still less than maximum.

"Indeed, the attention of the singers is still lacking. Some have invited the audience to shake, or sing along. But there are also singers who are just engrossed in themselves. He swayed but only for himself. Don't invite the audience." (the result of an interview with Superstar RCTV producer, Ryan Haryanto).

Meanwhile, the singers themselves, trying to wear attractive clothes, in order to get the attention of the audience.

"I try to wear eccentric clothes. It could be the model or the color. At least with the most eccentric clothes, it can be interesting. But try not to be tacky." (interview with dangdut tarling pantura singer, Nunung Alvi).

b.    Organisme

Organisms are living bodies, already meaning human beings in communion terms. So that the element of organism in SOR theory is the receiver (recipient of the message). Based on SOR theory, what is meant by communion is the audience.

c.    Viewer

In this study, the audience was communion. They receive stimulus or invitations from singers. In the implementation of Supersetar program, the audience is not only centered on the audience that is in the studio. But it's also the audience that's at home. Because, the Supersetar program itself is aired live on RCTV.

"Indeed for those in the studio, usually people come alone, or indeed the audience is a fan of the singers that we invite, so the studio is also crowded. Obviously, every Supersetar program, we always bring an audience in the studio. (interview with RCTV Supersetar producer Ryan Haryanto).

1.   Respons

A response is a reaction, a response, an answer, an influence, an effect or a result. In SOR theory, response is an effect. There are at least three things included in terms of response. It is concern, understanding and acceptance.

Based on the results of the research, it is known that the audience's response to the stimulus performed by the singers is so diverse. Some do sway, just watch, until indifferent.

According to one of the informants, Bambang, some of the stimuli performed by dangdut tarling pantura singers are very interesting indeed. The singer's gorgeous performances, plus her melodious voice and enthralling sway make her feel at home to watch superstar programs.

"Moreover, singers often nyapa, use Cirebon language, continue on a cheap smile all. It's good to see it. It's a good song, it's a beautiful singer. So it's good to watch it." (the result of an interview with one of the superstar audience, Bambang).

But there are also those who just watch, but are not so interested in singing or even swaying.

"I happen to like the same song dangdut tarling pantura. So for me, whether it's what the singer is like, or whether it's rocking or not, it doesn't affect me. While it's a song he's playing that I like and his voice is melodious, that's enough." (the result of an interview with one of the Supersetar viewers, Sukoco).

Various ways that the singer did, such as greeting the audience, apparently got quite a good response from the audience. In fact, one of the informants, Mama Mako is very happy and enthusiastic because her name is often mentioned during Superstar events.

"His name is often called, yes very happy. Moreover, the famous singers, kaya Nunung Alvi, Diana Sastra. It's so fun." (the result of an interview with one of the audience, Mama Mako).

But it seems that not all the stimuli performed by the singer are welcomed by the audience. There are even those who judge the various stimuli performed by dangdut tarlingan singers quite saturated, even unpleasant. The performances of dangdut tarling pantura singers are often considered tacky or inappropriate.

"Sometimes curious to see, but after seeing it, it becomes lazy. The look, the clothes, the wobbles sometimes like exaggeration. Keep going to sing like it for a long time. Too long interacting with the audience. Whereas we're watching it will want to see them sing." (result of an interview with one of Superstar's viewers, Bahrudin).

a.     Attention

Attention differs from sympathy, empathy and communication although all three are closely related in one's energy concentration. Attention is the activeness of raising awareness of all the functions of the soul that are deployed in its concentration to the goods of something both inside and outside the individual. Attention is an activity that a person does in connection with the selection of stimuli that come from his environment.

In this study, the attention given by the audience to the invitation of the singers was so diverse. Some give positive and negative attention. One of the informants, Bambang gave his full attention when the singer performed.

"From start to finish yes I noticed. My people love this program and dangdut fans. Moreover, the singer is also interesting. It's a good song, it sounds good. Pretty again." (The result of an interview with one of the audience, Bambang.)

But some don't pay their full attention. Some viewers of the program watched halfway or not until it was complete.

"If the singer's costume is polite, the sound is good, the talk is also good, yes I watch it. But sometimes one singer is good, and the other is not. So a little males also watch it. Sometimes when watching at home, I change the television channel," (the result of an interview with one of the audience, Bahrudin).

The same is sometimes felt by Sukoco. When invited by singers to sing or sway, he sometimes hesitates.

"Sometimes the invitation is also not appropriate. The singers' language is good, some are not. So sometimes it makes me lazy. Continue to like most of the singers talk, the ends even sing long." (interview with Bahrudin, one of Supersetar's audience).

b.    Understanding

Understanding is the process of changing behavior is in fact the same as the learning process. In this study, the singer tried to give understanding to the audience. Understanding to sway or actively participate in super setar events.

"On stage we also try to invite the audience to sway. The intention is to let the audience understand what we mean." (the result of an interview with tarling dangdut pantura singer, Nunung Alvi).

The performance of the artist and the stage action of the audience is often incomprehensible to the audience.

"Sometimes I like not to understand the same meaning of singers rocking on stage like that. Sometimes the shaking is also a bit excessive. That's why I'm lazy if I have to shake." (interview with one of the informants, Bahrudin).

c.     Reception

Acceptance is a level of an individual's ability to receive stimuli well. According to Hurlock.

Based on the results of this study, the audience's acceptance of the invitation of various singers. There are some viewers who give a positive reception and there are also viewers who give a negative reception.

One of the informants, Mama Mako chose to dance immediately if there was a singer who invited her to sway.

"I immediately joined in dancing if there was a singer who invited me to dance or just call. I would definitely go dancing with him and I would love a bonus (called saweran money) if the singer performed a song that I liked and melodious his voice".

But there are also those who do not give a positive response. One of Bahrudin's audience was rather annoyed to see the gesture shown by the singers dangdut tarling pantura.

"I don't like the same looks that are too fun, sometimes like someone who dresses too sexy. It's not really rocking either. He didn't see it as appropriate, so it made me look at it and I just stayed home". (the result of an interview with Bahrudin).

While Bambang was interested in the singer dangdut tarling pantura.

"The singer is very active so I am interested and interested in dancing". (the result of an interview with one of the audience, Bambang).

2.   Obstacles Faced by Singer Dangdut Tarling Pantura to Attract Audience

In attracting the audience, the singers tarling dangdut pantura often experience obstacles. From the results of interviews and observations of researchers on a number of superstar program impressions, there are some obstacles experienced such as the type of song, shame to the sound of a singer who is not good.

According to Superstar RCTV producer, Ryan Haryanto, one of the obstacles to attracting the audience is often experienced by new singers. They are still mostly embarrassed and not used to singing to be aired on television.

"Maybe it feels different singing on stage and in Superstar which is also broadcast. For new singers sometimes they are nervous, so sometimes stiff want to invite the audience. Usually just sing and shake yourself, without inviting the audience. Even if they ask the audience, they are not maximal, because sometimes deg-degan." (the result of an interview with Superstar RCTV producer, Ryan Haryanto).

In addition, sometimes the song chosen by the singer is also often an obstacle. Moreover, the theme of the song chosen does not correspond to the moment of activity.

"For example who carries a song melow or sad. Sometimes the audience is less enthusiastic. The singer has been trying to attract interest from Pentonton and sometimes pentontons don't respond well. (interview with Ryan Haryanto, producer of Superstar RCTV).

The choice of language style, is also one of the things that can determine the interest of the audience. Ryan Haryanto said that sometimes the communication of the singers with the penoton uses a language style that is not appropriate. The words used were not appropriate, including the intonation of solicitations made by the singers.

"Sometimes singers also like to shout less clearly what it means. His inappropriate tone or no greetings eventually made the audience less responding. They end up saturated the audience." (interview with Ryan Haryanto, producer of Superstar RCTV).

The audience's awkwardness and embarrassment to sway is also an obstacle in itself. The singers had tried to sing and make an invitation, but received no response from the audience.

"We usually invite, but sometimes there are also embarrassed viewers. They don't end up. So yes we can't make much either. 'Ve nyoba invite, but not responded. They are on average embarrassed, or because of unusual sway. So it's a self-constraint." (the result of an interview with one of the singers dangdut tarling pantura, Wiwin Adelton).

In addition, another obstacle to attracting the audience is that not all singers have a fairly melodious voice.

"Yes his name is also a singer, we are selling sound. So it's a pity that there are singers who accentuate rocking and seduction movements but are not balanced with good sound quality." (the result of an interview with dangdut tarling pantura singer, Nunung Alvi).

There is still a negative stigma in the community about the singers dangdut pantura apparently also an obstacle for the singer to be able to attract the audience. Sometimes there are spectators who want to sway but are afraid to get a bad stamp from the surrounding community.

"Sometimes someone wants to shake, but is shy. Otherwise it's a negative stamp. We also do not deny that there are still many negative views about the�

singer dangdut tarling pantura. That's why sometimes the audience is worried that joget with us" (the result of an interview with dangdut tarling pantura singer, Irma Airlangga).

3.   Minat Penonton Terhadap Penyanyi Dangdut Tarling Pantura

The interest of the husband of a small child in the direction that the concentration of attention to an object there is a hope of pleasure. From the direction it is clear that the interest is as a concentration or attention reaction to the object of what object or situation preceded by the pleasure of the object towards it. The word Tidjan (1976:71).

"The audience's interest in this super star event can be very big word this can be seen from the audience who are always present in the studio at the time of the super star event also with the reting of the audience at home is very high". (pictured with Ryan Haryanto, producer of Superstar RCTV).

While in mataing, the audience's interest is diverse. Some are active, some are passive.

"The interest of the audience in the studio is really good, because there are some of the audience that I invite to dance and the response is positive, join the audience to dance and sometimes like my movements when dancing" (the result of the picture with dangdut tarling singer, Nunung Alvi).

But it is different experienced by Irma Airlangga. When he appeared on the program Super Setar, the audience was passive. There's an invitation to try to be thrown, there's just a lot of sway coming.

"The audience I think is mediocre even the response is very passive, at the time I took them to dance even some were silent. There's also a wobble, but not much. Most of them are just looking but not swaying. Whether you see it is like it or not."� (Pictured with dangdut tarling singer Irma Airlangga).

In the eyes of Wiwin Adelton, the audience's interest in swaying the Super Setar program is still not maximal. Even though the self has tried to do things to attract attention and the audience sways.

"Sometimes there are people who shake, sometimes there are also ordinary aja. Sometimes it shakes a lot this week, but sometimes it's quiet. Yes to the truth. Whereas me and the other coaches are trying to do it their way. Seducing and others are also done."

4.   Persuasive Communication Analysis of Tarling Dangdut Pantura Singer

Persuasive communication is communication that aims to change or influence a person's beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors so that they act according to what the communicator expects. In this study, the singer attempted to influence the Super Setar audience to sway. The singer tried to make various efforts so that the audience of Super Setar interested to watch even sway to the rhythm of the song.

1.    Stimulus

Stimulus is stimuli or encouragement. The stimulus element in SOR is a stimulant in the form of messages or content and statements. The stimulus provided is expected to affect or change the behavior of communion.

The communicator in the study was a singer giving the audience a stimulus. The result is the participation of the audience in the Program Super Setar. So that the audience is not only watching, but also swaying.

Based on the results of existing research, the researchers analyzed that the stimulus or stimuli performed by the singer were different. There are singers who try to stimulate the audience before starting to perform a song, while performing a song, or even attracting the audience to sway. The way the singer conducts persuasive communication is one of the determinants of the response from the audience.

But unfortunately, after the researchers did the research, it was known that not all singers do persuasive communication optimally. Most especially senior singers are no longer awkward to invite even attract the audience in a polite way. But there are also singers who are still shy. Shy to sway, timid to invite the audience and just sing for yourself. So don't think about the audience's involvement.

2.    Organisme

Organisms are living bodies, already meaning human beings in communion terms. In this study the communion in question is the audience. Based on the results of the research that has been done, it is known that the Super Setar program does involve a lot of viewers. This audience becomes a mass or target of singers to enliven the event, one of which is by swaying. Not only the audience who are in the studio, in this study, the organism in question is also the audience that is at home. Because, this Super Setar program is a show that is broadcast on RCTV live or live.

3.    Respons

A response is a reaction, a response, an answer, an influence, an effect or a result. In SOR theory, response is an effect. There are at least three things included in terms of response. It is concern, understanding and acceptance.

Based on the results of the research that has been done, the authors analyzed the responses given by the audience is not always positive. In fact most viewers tend not to give a positive response. The audience that gave a positive response were only those who really liked the music type dangdut tarling pantura or indeed who are fans of one of the singers dangdut tarling pantura..

a.     Attention

Attention differs from sympathy, empathy and communication although all three are closely related in one's energy concentration. Attention is the activeness of raising awareness of all the functions of the soul that are deployed in its concentration to the goods of something both inside and outside the individual. Attention is an activity that a person does in relation to the selection of stimuli that come from his environment.

When viewed from the above understanding, attention is a phase in which communion determines its choice of stimuli.

In this study, the stimuli conveyed by the singer should be able to attract the attention of the audience. But unfortunately, not all the stimulus provided by the singer was able to attract the attention of the audience. Some of the audience eventually began to pay their attention to the singers on stage, but some chose to be indifferent.

The lack of attention of this singer indicates that persuasive communication by the singer is not going well. The ways in which the singer travels are not appropriate so that makes the audience lazy to see it. If the singer has not received attention, then it is less likely to invite the audience to sway.

b.    Understanding

Understanding is the process of changing behavior is in fact the same as the learning process. In this study, the singer tried to give understanding to the audience. Understanding to sway or actively participate in super setar events.

Based on the results of the study, persuasive communication conducted by this singer apparently could not provide understanding in the minds of the audience. In its application, there is still a lack of involvement of singers with the audience such as providing responses in the form of actions or behaviors towards the audience. There are singers who only focus on singing and do not return to give responses to the audience who want to be involved in the Super Setar program.

c.     Acceptance

Acceptance is a level of an individual's ability to receive stimuli well. (according to Hurlock). After collecting the research data, the authors analyzed that few viewers could receive the audience's stimuli well. Because, many penotnon who do not pay attention and give understanding. In fact, it should be after the audience understands the message conveyed by the singer, the audience will process and accept it so that there is a willingness to act for the stimulus that has been received (behave). The cause of the change in behavior depends on the quality of the excitatory (stimulus) that communicates with the organism. This means that the quality of communication sources such as credibility, speech style determines the success of changes in the behavior of a person, group or society.

2.     The obstacles experienced by Singer Dangdut Tarling Pantura

To attract the audience, the singers dangdut tarling pantura also often experience obstacles. From the results of the research obtained, these obstacles arise from the communion or the singer himself. The obstacles experienced are mostly non-technical obstacles, and are sourced from the singer.

Awkwardness, embarrassment or inappropriate means of communication end up making the message or stimuli conveyed unable to be digested properly by the audience. Not only that, the singer's vocal ability or sound quality is often an obstacle. Because, some singers there are also who do not have good sound quality.

There are still singers who only sell sway and dare to wear open clothes is also an obstacle to attract the interest of the audience. Singers who rely solely on rocking and daring to wear open clothes end up producing a stigma that is not good in society. It eventually made people rethink to join the dance.

3.     Audience Interest in Dangdut Tarling Pantura Singer

Interest is a situation where a person has attention to something and accompanied by a desire to know and learn more and prove it. Interest is a rather settled tendency to feel interested in certain areas and feel happy dabbling in that field.

From the explanation above it is very clear that interest is a positive response of a person to something. But unfortunately, based on the results of the research that has been obtained, the response from the audience is not all positive. Even some viewers responded negatively. Among them are some of the audience in the studio who when the new singers took to the stage had immediately turned their faces and left the location because the costumes worn by the singers were too excessive or fun. But by the time the singer got off the stage she was back in the studio. There is also an audience that just shut up and watch, he did not join the invitation of singers to dance together.

This indicates that the audience is less interested in following the audience's invitation. These negative reactions indicate that the audience is reluctant to pay attention even to sway with the singer. This negative reaction is caused because the singer is not able to do persuasive communication well. So that the message or stimuli that hedak delivered can not be received well.




Persuasive communication of singer dangdut Tembang pantura in Supersetar event has not been effective enough so that the audience (audience) is less enthusiastic and lacks a good response or response to the appearance of the singer, especially when the singer performs songs that rhythmically sad and nestapa. This low persuasive communication is reinforced by the singer's style of language that tends to be flat in inviting the audience to be active in the display of songs performed by singers. 2) Singer dangdut tarling pantura conduct persuasive communication efforts with the audience through various ways such as wearing unique and nice or neat clothes and polite, giving greetings and greetings to the audience to engage emotionally. Another effort made by dangdut singer tembang pantura is to conduct persuasive communication by offering songs to the audience. Another communication that dangdut pantura singers make in communicating with the audience is using the language of the region or cirebon language.� Some of the penynayi Tembang pantura invite the audience to dance so that there is involvement and direct activities of the audience with the singers on stage. 3) Some obstacles arise for persuasive communication to run well, especially from the potential of the voice that the singer has in performing songs at the event tembang pantura. If persuasive communication efforts have been made, but the sound characteristics of the singers are not good or lack quality, then the audience is less responding and not even interested in the appearance of songs and singers on stage. In the long run the show will be abandoned by the audience. Another obstacle in developing persuasive communication in pantura singers is that it is not uncommon for singers who wear costumes that are less pleasant to look at or wear sexy clothes.




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Widia Ningsih (2020)


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Journal of Business, Social and Technology (Bustechno)


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