Journal of Business, Social and Technology (Bustechno)




Agus Hidayat

Publikasi Indonesia, Sumber Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]







Article Information:







effectiveness analysis; social services; labor; Transmigration

Research conducted by the Author titled: Analysis of the Effectiveness of Social Service Development of Manpower and Transmigration in Improving the Welfare of Street Children in the City of Cirebon. Street children have negative connotations in the eyes of some people, because they are considered unsettling or disturb public order. Based on this fact, the Cirebon city government made regulation number 6 of 2009 on the Protection of Displaced Children and Children with Special Protection in the City of Cirebon. This aims to ensure the fulfillment of children's rights in order to live, grow and participate optimally in accordance with the dignity and dignity of humanity, and get protection from violence and discrimination, for the realization of quality, noble and prosperous Indonesian children. Based on the observations of the author, there are still some problems in the development of The Social Service of Manpower and Transmigration on the welfare of street children in the city of Cirebon, among others: the lack of harmony to the implementation of the program of fostering the welfare of street children among the fields in the Social Service Of Manpower and Transmigration of cirebon city. Such as the lack of frequency of counseling and coaching carried out by employees, in fact bam 40% of coaching carried out from the target that hams achieved, so that the program that hams implemented can not run as it should. In addition, there are still many problems of street children in the city of Cirebon that require serious attention from the Social Service of Manpower and Transmigration of Cirebon City. While there are several weaknesses in the development of street children, among others: There is still a mismatch of road data among the fields within the Social Service of Manpower and Transmigration of Cirebon City, such as not achieving the target of fostering street children, data shows the average achievement of children's welfare bam road 80% of the target achieved. This is due to the lack of awareness of each field to help each other in every activity of a job. The identification of this problem is: How is the effectiveness of coaching in the Social Service of Manpower and Transmigration of Cirebon City in improving the welfare of street children in the city of Cirebon? What factors determine the ineffectiveness of coaching in improving the welfare of street children in Cirebon? The purpose of this research is: To find out the effectiveness of the development of The Social Service of Manpower and Transmigration of Cirebon City in improving the welfare of street children in the city of Cirebon. And To know the factors that determine the effectiveness of belurnuya improve the welfare of street children. The research methods that the authors use are: using qualitative research methods with descriptive approaches and case studies. Through qualitative methods so that researchers can know people (subjects) personally and see them, researchers can feel what they are experiencing in the struggles of their daily society, and researchers can study groups and experiences that we may not know at all.



Developing countries such as Indonesia, continuously conduct physical development m mpun mental to achieve the state objectives contained in the opening of the Constitution of 1945, namely protecting the entire nation of Indonesia and spilling the blood of Indonesia and to promote the general welfare, educate the life of the nation (Ramdhani, Rachmawati, & Prabowo, 2017).�� In order for the state objectives to be implemented, human resources are needed that are able to carry them out properly, so it needs to be prepared early (Rochatun, 2011). So the problem of child development has become an important issue from an early age children need to be educated in order to be able to compete with the international world, as well as street children in living their lives have rights to their well-being (Zulkifli, 2017).

Street children have negative connotations in the eyes of some people, because they are considered unsettling or disturb public order (Sugiyono, 2008). Those who are children are sometimes involved in criminal activities such as pickpocketing, stabbing and other crimes. But not all street children carry out criminal-smelling activities (Sinabutar & Setianingsih, 2017). With little money earned, they can live in the midst of a difficult current of city life and to meet food needs. The work done by these children should need to get special handlers from local government and related dinars, because early childhood should be in school, not on the streets for work (Gultom, 2014).

The Cirebon city government made regulation number 6 of 2009 on the Protection of Displaced Children and Children with Special Protection in the City of Cirebon (Shalahuddin, 2004). This aims to ensure the fulfillment of children's rights in order to live, grow and participate optimally in accordance with the dignity and dignity of humanity, and get protection from violence and discrimination, for the realization of quality, noble and prosperous Indonesian children (Aman, 2017). The problem found in the field that the author saw at every red light there were 2 to 5 street children ranging from kanggraksan road intersection, Youth Pass crossroad and Harjamukti Terminal. They do not pay attention to the safety of the soul, just to get a little rupiah from the rider. Based on data from the Social Service of KeJ.ja And Transmigration Of Cirebon City are as follows:


Table 1

Number of Street Children



Anak Jalanan



Jumlah Anak Terbina



Persentase Jumlah Anak Terbina





























Data Source: Department of Manpower and Transmigration of Cirebon City in 2014


In 2011 there were 113 children consisting of 6 girls and 107 men, but due to limited funds, which received only 25 coaching, this means only 22 percent of the number of children in 2011. They get workshop training and workshop equipment assistance (Tayibnapis, 2000).Then in 2012 there were 135 children consisting of 10 women and 12 men and only 11 fostered, this means that only 12 percent of the number of street children in 2012, namely 4 people get education package B and 7 people get education package C. In 2013 there were 168 people consisting of 6 women and 162 men and only 30 fostered , this means only 18 percent of the number of street children in 2013. They get coaching in the form of workshop training at LPK Eka Jaya and after the construction is completed they also get assistance in the form of workshop tools (Moleong, 2021).

Based on initial research in the field related to the effectiveness of the development of The Social Service of Manpower and Transmigration of Cirebon City in improving the welfare of street children has not been optimal with the following indications:

a.       There is no alignment with the implementation of the welfare development program among the fields in the Social Service of Manpower and Transmigration of Cirebon City. Such as the lack of frequency of counseling and coaching carried out by employees, in fact only 40% of coaching is implemented from the target that must be achieved, so that the program that must be implemented can not run as it should.

b.       BThere is still a mismatch of street children data among the fields within the Social Service of Manpower and Transmigration of Cirebon City, such as the failure to achieve the target of fostering street children, the data shows the average achievement of the welfare of new road children 80% of the target achieved.This is due to the lack of awareness of each field to help each other in each activity of a job.

c.       cThere are still many problems of street children in the city of Cirebon that require serious attention from the Social Service of Manpower and Transmigration of Cirebon City.

d.       Performance of employees of the Social Service Of Manpower and Transmigration of Cirebon City that still needs to be developed so that the handling of street children's problems can be more maximal.

Based on the background above, the author is interested to know how much coaching the Social Service of Manpower and Transmigration of Cirebon City in improving the welfare of street children. So that the author will take the title of research on "Analysis of The Effectiveness of Social Service Development of Manpower and Transmigration in improving the welfare of Street Children in the City of Cirebon".



Research methods are very closely related to the type of research used, because each type and purpose of research designed has consequences on the choice of appropriate research methods to achieve the objectives of the research.

To make this research more targeted. In this study the authors used a qualitative approach that is limited to the effort to express a problem or situation or event as it is so that it expresses facts and provides an objective picture of the true state of the object studied, in Hadari Nawawi (2007: 33-34). Furthermore, Sugiono (2003:11) argued that in qualitative research, the theory is interpreted as qualitative research paradigm aims to reveal qualitative information so that it emphasizes the problem of process and meaning by describing a problem.

The theoretical basis in qualitative approach is the approach of symbolic interaction, it is assumed that the object of the person, situation and event has no sense of its own, on the contrary the sense is them. The understanding that people give to their experience and interpretation process is essential and decisive. This study also interprets or translates with the language of researchers about basil research obtained from informants in the field as a discourse to get an explanation of the existing conditions linking concepts or studies and furthermore will be produced descriptions of the object of research.


Results and Discussion

1.      Effectiveness of Coaching in The Social Service of Manpower and Transmigration of Cirebon City in Improving the Welfare of Street Children in cirebon city

It has been explained in previous chapters that street children are a social phenomenon that arises along with technological developments and changes in social culture in society, so in this bah will be elaborated in depth about the phenomenon.

In Local Regulation No. 6 of 2009 concerning The Protection of Displaced Children and Special Protection in the City of Cirebon, it has been regulated in detail and very clearly about the coaching measures that will be taken by the Cirebon City Government in dealing with the growing problem of street children. In carrying out these coaching steps, of course, it does not go easily in accordance with what is expected. But on the other hand the Cirebon City Government will also get challenges as an obstacle to the coaching carried out.

As stipulated in Regional Regulation No. 6 of 2009 that the form of coaching that has been carried out by the Cirebon City Government in this case the Social Service of Manpower and Transmigration of Cirebon City consists of 4 (four) forms of coaching. The four forms of coaching are, (1) Supervision Coaching, (2) Prevention Coaching, (3) Maintenance Development, and (4) Rehabilitation Coaching.

2.      Supervision Coaching

Supervision coaching is a coaching that focused on minimalism the number of street children who do their activities in public places. Supervision development also leads to the future of street children.

Actually this stage of supervision coaching, which we do is one of them is the creation of a post at a place that we consider as a place / area that is used as a place for street children to do their activities. This is done as a form of protection that we do to the children. But even though there is already a post that we make we continue to do patro / i activities, when patrols are carried out then there are street children who we meet are doing their activities, then we immediately net and bring it to our office to be investigated more / anjut from each child who netted a raid. (The result of an interview with the Head of Social Affairs of the Social Service of Manpower and Transmigration of Cirebon City, 2014).

From the statement expressed directly by the Head of Social Affairs of the Social Service of Manpower and Transmigration of Cirebon City that the stage of fostering this supervision there are several activities carried out by the Social Service of Manpower and Transmigration of the City of Cirebon in cooperation with several relevant agencies.

The activities carried out by the Social Service of Manpower and Transmigration of Cirebon City in the stage of fostering supervision is one of which is holding post office making activities. The creation of posts at this stage as a form of control to street children to reduce the growth rate of street children, as well as to reveal the main problems faced by street children based on the situation and conditions at the time of the post activities. This post office activity is no more than the continuation of socialization activities and campaigns of Regional Regulation No. 6 of 2009.

The implementation of this post of cirebon city government in this case The Social Service of Keija Energy and Transmigration of Cirebon City bekeija is the same as several elements, namely, NGOs (Nongovernmental Organizations), Satpol PP (Pamong Praja Police Unit), police elements, and also student elements. However, although this activity involves the Satpol PP and the Police, but in the implementation of post office activities are not made arrests, but only limited to the disclosure of the problems faced by each street child as explained earlier.

Although this post has been carried out as a form of protection activities. However, the Cirebon Manpower and Transmigration Social Service in cooperation with Satpol PP and NGOs continues to patrol the streets, which is considered a routine activity. However, when the patrol activities took place temyata still there were found street children who were still doing their activities, then the authorities who went down to conduct patrols directly netted street children who were caught (caught red-handed) still doing their activities. This activity is intended as a form of control.

After the patrol was carried out then there were still children who were caught doing their activities, then the child was netted or arrested untUk then brought to the Social Rehabilitation Center located at yayasan Cirebon Peduli Anak Bangsa. Street children who were taken to the rehabilitation center were temporarily accommodated for approximately 3 (three) months for construction. Coaching carried out during the temporary shelter period consists of social guidance, spiritual mental guidance, legal guidance, as well as games of social adaptation or outbound.

During the coaching activities, the initial approach to street children is also carried out by identifying and selecting what are the main problems so that street children who are caught in these raids are still doing their activities as street children. From the identification and selection, it can be known the main problems faced by these children. Once the problem is known, the social services who work together with the relevant agencies can reveal and understand the problems and what needs to be done to solve these problems. Before deciding what efforts will be made to deal with the problem of street children, the social services that work with relevant agencies conduct a discussion to determine what should be done to deal with the various problems of street children. Once known more in the process of mentoring individually, it means that in this assistance is not only the child but also carried out mentoring to the families of street children on a regular and continuous basis.

In addition to regular and continuous mentoring, the street children after the problem is known, the social services who work with the relevant agencies determine whether the child is returned to the community whether it is included in formal or non-formal education or conditionally which means that they will not return to their activities on the street or remain in the orphanage for rehabilitation of the child before being returned to the environment.

3.      Prevention Coaching

Talking about the problem of coaching conducted by the Cirebon City Government in handling or suppressing the growth of the number of street children in the city of Cirebon is not done by directly giving action to the object, namely the street children themselves but there is a stage of coaching.One of the stages of coaching is preventive coaching.Prevention development itself is the initial form of a coaching carried out by the Cirebon City Government aimed at preventing the development and widespread number of spread and complexity of problems causing the presence of street children.

Prevention coaching activities that we do through the first few stages of data collection directly to the field, then the second is we do control, monitoring, and supervision through patrol activities, and lastly in prevention coaching activities we conduct campaigns as well as socializing the prohibition for children to do their activities in public places. (The result of an interview with the Head of Social Affairs of the Social Service of Manpower and Transmigration of Cirebon City, 2014)

Prevention development itself is carried out in several forms of activities, in order to effectively the regulations that have been set by the Cirebon City Government. Here is a form of activities carried out by the Cirebon City Government driven by the Social Service of Manpower and Transmigration of Cirebon City, namely:

1.      Data collection;

2.      Monitoring, control, and supervision;

3.      Campaign continued with socialization activities;

Of the three forms of activity is also not done just like that, but there is a flow of the three preventive coaching activities. Based on the observations that are matched with the contents of the regulations set by the Cirebon City Government, the author can describe the framework of the prevention coaching process carried out by the Cirebon City Government in this Social Service of Manpower and Transmigration of cirebon city in cooperation with relevant elements such as NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations), as well as institutions engaged in child monitoring. Here is the framework of the prevention development process in suppressing the growth rate of street children in the city of Cirebon.

Prevention development is carried out first through direct data collection activities by the Social Service of Manpower and Transmigration of Cirebon City in collaboration with social institutions in each sub-district of Cirebon. In the data collection activities can be known data containing the name, address, family list, living conditions, socioeconomic life background, regional origin, occupation, family status, and the main problems faced.

These data are preliminary data that serves as a reference in conducting coaching at the next level that aims to know the general number of street children in each sub-district as a target to carry out further activities.

Further activities carried out by the Cirebon City Government through the Cirebon Manpower and Transmigration Social Service in collaboration with relevant agencies such as Satpol PP (Pamong Praja Police Unit) and other NGOs after the data collection, namely holding monitoring, control, and supervision activities carried out by means of patrol activities to public places and places according to the results of the data collection as a place or activity area of the street children. From the results of patrol activities carried out by the Social Service of Ketja Energy and Transmigration of Cirebon City beketja the same as NGOs and Satpol PP later as information on whether or not the presence of children traveling in the area or location that has been known through the previous data collection process. Patrol activities at the prevention coaching stage is carried out just to know the locations that are used as places or areas or locations of children doing their activities.

Furthermore, after monitoring, controlling, and supervising through patrol activities then the Social Service of Ketja Energy and Transmigration of Cirebon City held a campaign and socialization about the existence of regulations as a binder and also provided information about the prohibition to the public in general not to get used to giving money on the streets. Campaign activities and socialization are carried out in the community of Cirebon City. Campaign activities are carried out through performances, orations, and the installation of banners or billboards not to give money to the children. While the form of socialization itself is divided into two forms, namely either directly or indirectly. Direct socialization itself is carried out in the form of lectures and interactions that provide information to a person or a group of people through face-to-face or direct dialogue, while socialization indirectly itself is carried out through print media and electronic media as an intermediary media between the government to the public as the object of this regulation (Cirebon City Regulation No. 6 of 2009). However, in essence, all of these activities will not be carried out without a large contribution from the people of Cirebon itself.

4.      Care Coaching

Fostering care is intended in Regional Regulation No. 6 of 2009 is an empowerment assistance program for street children. The child referred to here is a biological child, or a brother. The empowerment of street children is a process of strengthening the family that is carried out in a planned and targeted manner through guidance and training activities.

Maintenance activities in Regional Regulation No. 6 of 2009, namely, household-based skills training, entrepreneurship training, training of productive economic capital assistance, the formation of joint venture groups, and the development of joint venture groups.

First, what is meant by household-based skills training is training conducted to provide knowledge and skills tailored to their talents and interests and social environment.This activity was carried out by involving the Social Service of Ketja Energy and Transmigration of Cirebon City which is similar to sectoral and other stakeholders. Tru training includes such as sewing training, cooking, household handicrafts, and common things that are commonly used to be the work of other housewives.

Second, entrepreneurship training. This training was conducted to provide understanding and knowledge about the principles of small and medium enterprises tailored to their skills based on the environmental conditions in which they live, so that they are able to adapt and can be motivated to conduct their business activities to help meet the income of their families in need. This activity was carried out by involving the Social Service of Ketja Energy and Transmigration of Cirebon City in the same package as the relevant agencies.

Third, the provision of productive economic capital assistance. This is done in order to provide stimulant assistance in the form of goods / or merchandise and small business capital as the basic capital in order to form, motivate and to create family independence carried out individually. The Social Service of Ketja Energy and Transmigration of Cirebon city which has the same clothes as the relevant agencies has provided a lot of capital and business assistance for families of underprivileged street children, such as groceries or capital to support the needs of their families.

Fourth, the Establishment of a Joint Venture Group. Activities carried out with the intention to develop productive economic businesses both that have been given capital and goods through coaching � by forming a family group that has the same type of business between five to ten families.

And the fifth is, Joint Venture Group Development. The purpose of this activity is to develop a group business consisting of five to ten families who participated and succeeded through the provision of productive economic capital and also the establishment of a joint group business. There are five forms of empowerment towards street children families that we can provide. Two of them are forms of training, and the rest is the formation of groups for productive economic businesses together in terms of activities that are usually carried out in accordance with the conditions of residence, such as workshop business, transportation business, sewing business, kiosk business, salon business, or small stall business, then given capital to develop the business and to meet the needs of his family. This empowerment activity must be monitored, monitored periodically so that later they do not return to the street and do the same activities on the streets in the city of Cirebon. (Direct interview of Head of Social Affairs of Keija Energy And Transmigration Office of Cirebon City, 2014).

From the interview above, it can be known that five forms of fostering care from the family there is in the form of training, and there is also the formation of businesses and the provision of capital and develop it into an effort to meet the needs of each of the children's families. The families of street children should also be empowered in order to be able to support and meet the needs of their families.

In addition, the Social Service of Ketja Energy and Transmigration of Cirebon City provides knowledge education on healthy clean living behavior. The knowledge provided is packaged in the form of tutorials in the process there is a briefing so that street children maintain their cleanliness. It's like taking a shower twice a day on a regular basis. As stated by the Head of Social Affairs of the Department of Manpower and Transmigration of Cirebon City.

The handling of education in terms of knowledge that was once counseling healthy living behaviors that of us. (Direct interview of Head of Social Affairs of Ketja Energy and Transmigration Office of Cirebon City, 2014).

Education development in terms of skills provided by the Social Service of Tenaga Ketja and Transmigration of Cirebon City in this case is in the form of skills education that is more directed to vocational skills related to certain areas of employment in the community such as workshop, garment industry, and restaurants that include basic vocational skills and special vocational skills (occupational skills). The skills provided were in the form of sewing and cooking skills training for female street children and workshop training and tire patches for boys.

This skills training is held once a year in accordance with the budget plan of the Social Service of Keija Energy and Transmigration of Cirebon City which refers to the Regional Budget (APBD) of Cirebon City. This was reinforced by the statement of the Head of Social Affairs of the Keija Energy Office and the Transmigration of Cirebon City on the form of handling education in terms of skills.

His skills are workshop, making crafts like beads. Besides, entrepreneurship is like selling cat rice". (Direct interview of Head of Social Affairs of Keija Energy And Transmigration Office of Cirebon City, 2014).

The statement was in line with Mr. Henky Surhendioto's statement when interviewed on Wednesday, May 15, 2014 about education programs in terms of skills, namely:

A lot of yes we see it comprehensively. Form of self-reliance for example, to be able to support himself, one of the primary needs of the example of eating. Because they're street kids, we give them a way to live independently. We give them simple training, so they can live independently. Which is simple, for example what our boys are training in tire patches. But if the woman yes we give sewing training we give the equipment even up to the sewing machine we give.

The implementation process itself through selection. So in this case street children in cirebon city in the data first ranging from street children assisted by each Street Children Social Protection House, ngo-assisted, and street children assisted by rehabilitation centers.Later from the data was taken consisting of street children who are street children who are natively domiciled in the city of Cirebon to be taken care of further through the village and sub-district of each place where the street children of Cirebon city came from. Usually in this data collection, The Social Service of Ketja And Transmigration of Cirebon City is the same as each village, sub-district, and Child Social Protection House (RPSA). After the data collection is made a proposal for its activity plan. In accordance with Mr. Henky Surhendioto's statement about the implementation stages of the skills program during an interview on Wednesday, May 15, 2014. The stage is the cost of APBD, Budget be / anja region.We make a nomenk / set it later approved by the House. Well we have activities like this, planning mass activities / planning training. There is a proposal that we net from the village later we filter the qualified we give.�� For the RPSA, it helps with logging.Ka/au qualified later we give.

Then there was a training by the Social Service of Ketja Personnel and Transmigration of Cirebon City which was assisted again by experts. Such as sewing course training held for 3 (three) days at SMK Negeri 2 Cirebon which is the same as the teachers of sewing trainers at SMK Negeri 2 along with the equipment provided by SMK Negeri 2.�� In handling these sewing skills, rpsa Pelangi-assisted street girls do not participate in this treatment. However, the handling of sewing skills for female street children was held for girls in semarang city which was obtained according to the data collection.

Enthusiastic street children when getting treatment in the form of skills training are mostly happy, because with this training they get experience that they can later use in the future to survive when they are adults and are already thinking of living a better life.

The development of education in terms of street children attitudes by the Social Service of Tenaga Ketja and Transmigration of Cirebon city emphasizes more on discipline mental education and semi-military education. In accordance with the results of an interview with the Head of The Social Service of Ketja Energy and Transmigration of Cirebon City on Thursday, May 20, 2014 about the education program in terms of attitudes given by the Social Service of Ketja Energy and Transmigration of Cirebon City, it was explained that "Discipline mental education program, semi-military education".

Mental discipline education is carried out so that street children have a more controlled attitude, discipline and not anarchy. Because attitudes lead to views or feelings accompanied by a tendency to act according to attitudes and objects. The attitudes and objects in question are the attitudes of the people around the street who make up the child to be negative. In the mental education discipline of the Social Service of Manpower and Transmigration of Cirebon City in collaboration with the Police, Kodim, and Polres. In addition, the Social Service of Manpower and Transmigration of Cirebon City also held a Character Education Building, which was held in the open.According to the results of an interview with the Head of The Social Service of Manpower and Transmigration of Cirebon City, on Wednesday, May 15, 2014. Sarna like skills training we take some foster children from RPSA or orphanage, then we hold outbound well, later the character building That we insert when we hold outbound with them. Usually the outbound is using the bus. Then for supervision we leave it to the orphanages or RPSA how solubility whether in 2 days there is a change or not.

So the conclusion of the interview conducted by two resource persons is that education in terms of attitudes carried out by the Head of The Social Service of Manpower and Transmigration of Cirebon city emphasizes more on discipline mental education.

In this handling, the previous stages of networking and outreach operations were carried out at each point of the location of street children in the city of Cirebon in collaboration with TRC (Rapid Reaction Team) from the Social Service of Manpower and Transmigration of Cirebon City and Satpol PP which then from the results of the network of street children were transported and taken to orphanages or Social Rehabilitation Centers and RPSA to then be held further treatment both from the orphanage , Social Rehabilitation Center and RPSA to provide guidance and guidance to them to improve their behavior in the community and so that they reduce not even turon to the street again.As � conducted by the Social Service of Manpower and Transmigration of Cirebon City provides mental discipline education, character building education for children who are placed in the Social Rehabilitation Center or Orphanage. Education is usually done for 6 months. If the street children who were caught in the raid there are those who are assisted by RPSA. The street child caretaker was invited to immediately pick up the street children he built..

5.      Rehabilitation Development

As previously netted, there are children who are returned conditionally to attend formal and non-formal education, and some are still in rehabilitation centers to follow rehabilitation coaching through the existing system in the rehabilitation center.

Rehabilitation development aimed at children is certainly different according to the type of street children, as it is known together that street children consist of three types, namely, street children of productive age, street children of toddler age, and street children of school age. The rehabilitation coaching that we do to street children varies according to their needs, of course. For example, for children of seko/ah age other than us / akukan guidance in general such as spiritual guidance, .physical, and social guidance, we also provide assistance such as skolahkannya, and provide scholarship assistance for street children who excel to increase motivation be / teaching. (The results of a live interview with the Head of Social Affairs of the Social Service of Manpower and Transmigration of Cirebon City, 2014).

Based on the results of the interview above that is matched with the contents of Regional Regulation No. 6 of 2009 on The Protection of Displaced Children and Children with Special Protection in the City of Cirebon it is true that the government has tried to handle street children and minimize the number of street children who often do their activities in public places in the city of Cirebon.

Rehabilitation coaching is an effort to empower street children. Efforts to rehabilitate or improve their lives for the better.Social Rehabilitation efforts are a form of coaching in which street children are schooled for those who are of school age and for those who are not of school age or productive age given skills including the development of talent and interests. As for the toddlers, a coaching approach is carried out in the family as well as mentoring and supplementing feeding. In the effort of social rehabilitation for street children categorized in productive age, they are given mental, and spiritual, physical social, and training skills and stimulant work equipment so that later they know their job is placed according to their field.

In general, rehabilitation coaching is carried out for street children who fall into the category of productive age and school age category consists of three forms of rehabilitation coaching, namely mental and spiritual guidance, physical guidance, and social guidance.

First, provide guidance mentally and spiritually. Fostering mental and spiritual guidance that is, by forming attitudes and attitudes to street children, both individual forms and forms per group. The formation of attitudes and attitudes is expected to have a positive effect on street children when returned in the community.In the provision of spiritual mental guidance there are things that are done in it, namely by providing religious guidance, guidance on ethics and guidance on norms in life.

Second, provide coaching in the form of physical guidance. Physical guidance is provided in providing activities, such as activities that include sports, art, and conducting health checks on children. When a medical examination was carried out it was found that the street child had a health problem, then the child was stopped in the process of providing rehabilitation coaching in the orphanage. The provision of rehabilitation coaching means that it is only temporary because the child is first referred to get health services or health insurance first and then continue coaching rehabilitation in social institutions.

Third, yaitri provides social guidance to children of productive age. The social guidance provided is aimed at motivating the child and can develop his awareness and responsibilities as a member of the community in addition, the provision of social guidance can solve the social problems faced by the children, both individually and in the form of groups.

The next guidance for street children who are categorized as street children of productive age is to provide guidance in the form of skills guidance. From the provision of skills training conducted in the rehabilitation center is carried out on the same keJja between the orphanage and related agencies such as private companies. From the implementation of skills training conducted previously can be known the skills possessed by each individual of the street children to be given stimulants in the form of providing equipment keJja to develop the skills that each street child has.

When street children are considered to be capable and skilled and able to make money from the results of their skills, then the children are released.�� The release of street children means that it is not just released, but facilitated to be placed in companies that need their energy or return to their families or environment to develop their skills in the form of business.

As for the children of the school age category, rehabilitation coaching is given, namely pre-school guidance. The provision of preschool guidance here is intended as an effort to prepare the street children before entering the world of education that is more directed, fostered, and more formal. In addition, the provision of pre-school guidance is also a form of introduction to the condition of the school situation and provides understanding and understanding to street children towards the subjects that will be obtained in the world of school in general in accordance with the school level. It was only then that the children were admitted to the school according to the child in the school age category. Both formal education and non-formal education for children who drop out of school. After being included in the world of education, both formal and non-formal, the child was given scholarships and school equipment as an effort to increase the children's learning motivation and ease the burden on parents or families of the children.

Especially for street children who are categorized as toddlers, rehabilitation coaching is given by approaching the families of street children such as mentoring and supplementing feeding. The assistance referred to here is that children's activities such as games and the development of interests and talents of these children before setting foot in the world of school education. Based on the explanation and statement above, it can be said that so far the Cirebon city government has been very effective in running coaching programs. In carrying out the development program or rehabilitation efforts, the Cirebon city government in this case the Social Service of Keija Energy and Transmigration of Cirebon City has raised the same keija with related agencies both formal and non-formal agencies.



Based on the description of the results of research and discussion, can be concluded in connection with the research issues proposed as follows: 1) The effectiveness of coaching in the Social Service of Ketja And Transmigration of Cirebon City in improving the welfare of street children in the city of Cirebon has been made several efforts in fostering street children such as supervision coaching, prevention coaching, fostering care, rehabilitation coaching is considered to have covered all aspects to foster people with social welfare problems, especially for street children. These trainings are inseparable from the control of the Social Service of Manpower and Transmigration of Cirebon City in collaboration with the Social Service of West Java Province is the main perpetrator of the development of these street children, assisted by NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations), Police, and Satpol PP. 2) Factors of effectiveness of coaching in improving the welfare of street children in the city of Cirebon include supporting factors, among others, local regulations that have been considered so good by the government has not been able to handle the problem of street children who from year to year increase. Although the increase is not sharp, but this is said to have not been optimal handling of street child coaching. While the inhibition factors include industrialization, modernization, and urbanization. Nowadays everything is sophisticated so, people are required to keep up with the times if they do not want to miss.




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Copyright holder :

Agus Hidayat (2020)


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Journal of Business, Social and Technology (Bustechno)


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