Journal of Business, Social and Technology (Bustechno) |
Maulina Nabila
Ridwan Institute
(RIn) Sumber Cirebon, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]
Abstract |
Information: Received Revised Accepted Keywords: sales
application; savanna restaurants; web-based |
Padang X restaurant was founded about 2 years ago, and is located on Jl.
Pangeran No.136 Bekasi. This location is chosen because it is an area
surrounded by offices such as village offices, sub-districts, and banks. So
this place is a strategic place to be established restaurants. To provide
good service to consumers, Padang X restaurant needs to know what is expected
from consumers. In addition, X restaurant also needs to pay attention to the
services provided to consumers so that if consumers are satisfied with the
service they have received, consumers will still choose restaurants in Sabana
Minang compared to other restaurants. So, the quality of service services is
very important to note because it is closely related to consumer satisfaction
Tekhnik data collection by looking directly at the survey to the field and
dealing directly with activities that are directly involved in the sale of
padang X restaurants |
Along with the
development of the food industry in Indonesia, and increasing the busyness of a
person for his current job that causes a person does not have enough time to
eat, usually someone wants food that does not require time to wait long but is
also good, so now it is preferred fast food (Rahmawati, 2020). Fast food is
currently very popular with the public because of the huge consumer interest in
this type of food many restaurants provide fast food menus. One of the places
that provides a variety of fast food menus is "Padang X Restaurant"
(Kadir, 2014).
This Padang 2
restaurant was founded about 2 years ago, and is located on Jl. Pangeran No.
136 Bekasi. This location is chosen because it is an area�
surrounded by
offices such as village offices, sub-districts, and banks. So this place is a
strategic place to be established restaurants. To provide good service to
consumers, padang X restaurant needs to know what is expected from consumers
(Agustina, 2017). In addition, X restaurant also needs to pay attention to the
services provided to consumers so that if consumers are satisfied with the
service they have received, consumers will still choose restaurants in X compared
to other restaurants. So, the quality of service is very important to note
because it is closely related to customer satisfaction (Raharjo, 2011).
Padang X
restaurant is a business field that is still developing so it needs to be
designed an information system, information system is very important for
restaurants. The information system is very useful to provide management
information in making decisions and also to run the operation of the
restaurant. Where the system is a combination of human, information technology
and organized procedures (Hartono, 2013).
Padang X
restaurant would be better if it used a web-based information system, this is
because the website can be used as an appropriate marketing medium (Bunafit,
2013). The number of internet users today shows how big the opportunity is to
get a large number of potential buyers. Through the website, we can introduce
restaurant or product profiles, make it easier to update information, have a
wide reach, and can give a professional impression because we are not left
behind in terms of the progress of the times (Indrajani, 2011). And is an
innovative way, delivery of orders will provide interesting innovations for
customers not only waiting for buyers but also provide services that will make
it easier for customers. It is hoped that more customers will buy Padang X
dishes either directly or by ordering. And of course the profit will be bigger
(Simamora, 2010).
But currently
the restaurant does not have a computerized application program so the reception
and expenditure is still manual which is considered less effective and efficient
(Saiful, 2019). And it should be if using a good sales application program,
considering the business that has now been done has begun to develop. With the
development of data processing in the application program of restaurant sales
by the owner, can provide the information needed if the owner of the restaurant
wants to see a computerized report (Soer, 2015).
With the
background of the problem, the title was chosen "Cooking Sales Application
At Padang Sabana Minang Restaurant Web-Based".
The methodology carried out in
the collection of data related to the preparation or completion of this final
task is as follows:
1. Field Studies
Field studies are a way of
obtaining data done systematically and the data taken is relavan and complete
data to support research. This field study is divided into 2 techniques,
a. Observation
Data collection techniques by
looking directly at the survey to the field and dealing directly with
activities that are directly involved in the sale of padang Sabana Minang
b. Sampling and documentation
c. Collect document and report
formats that can be used as material for database preparation.
2. Interviews
Conducting interviews with
restaurant owners about the current system of data processing and making sales
3. Literature Studies
Literature Studies (library
research) is the collection of data through books, internet sites and lecture
notes that are closely related to the theme of the final task research.
Result and Discussion
A. System Design
ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram)
Gambar 1
Entity Relationship Diagram
2. Normalization
a. Unnormalization
In the process of unnormalization of
all recorded data is written without any changes first, double data does not
need to be written visible incomplete lines or records.
Tabel 1
b. First Normal Form (1NF)
A relationship
is said to be the first normal form, if and only each attribute is of date
value for each line, at the first normal there are still many weaknesses,
especially in the anOMALY process of insert, update, delete.
So the results
of the first normal formation of 1NF are as follows:
Tabel 2
First Normal
Form (1NF)
Normal Shape (2NF)
Forming the second normal by
decomposition of tables into several tables and looking for the primary key of
each table, or it can be said that this second normal form has fulfilled the
first normal form (1NF) and the attribute is not a key must depend functionally
on the primary key.
Tabel 3
�� Second Normal Shape (2NF)
3. Structure HIPO (Hierarcy Input Proses Output)
a. �Structure HIPO Menu User
Gambar 2
����� Structure HIPO Menu User
b. �Structure
HIPO Menu Admin
Gambar 3
����������� Structure HIPO Menu Admin
4. Program Display Design
a. User Main Menu Design
Gambar 4
���� User Main Menu Design
b. Member Login Menu Design
Gambar� 5
���� Menu Login
c. Member Registration Plan
Gambar� 6
Member Registration Plan
d. Shopping Cart Design
Gambar 7
Shopping Cart Design
e. Draft Delivery Confirmation
Gambar 8
Draft Delivery
f. �Payment Confirmation Plan
Gambar 9
Payment Confirmation
g. Draft Booking List
Gambar 10
Draft Booking List
h. Admin Login Plan
Gambar 11
Admin Login Plan
i. �Admin Menu Plan
Gambar 12
������� Admin Menu Plan
j. �Admin Password Plan
Gambar 13
Admin Password Plan
k. Admin Menu Design
Gambar 14
���� Admin Menu Design
l. �Provincial Data Plan
Gambar 15
�Provincial Data Plan
m. Category Data Design
Gambar 16
Category Data Design
n. Menu Data Page Design
Gambar 17
Menu Data Page Design
o. Customer Data Design
Gambar 18
���� Customer Data Design
p. Menu Ordering Data Design
Gambar 19
�Menu Ordering Data Design
q. Transfer Confirmation Plan
Gambar 20
Transfer Confirmation
r. �Draft Entry-Period Booking Report
Gambar 21
Draft Entry-Period Booking Report
s. Draft Order Report Full-Date
Gambar 22
Draft Order Report
t. �Menu Order Print Design
Gambar 23
Menu Order Print Design
u. Draft View Order Transactions
Gambar 24
Draft View Order Transactions
1. Relationship Between Tables
Gambar 25
�Relationship Between Tables
2. Database Structure
The database structure is a grouping
of file specifications created as a support in database management to be easily
designed for programming applications.
a. Admin Table
Database Name��������� : delivery
Table������������������������ : Admin
Media����������������������� : Harddisk
Tabel 4
Admin Table Database Structure
b. Table Menu
Database Name��������� :
Table������������������������ : Menu
Media ���������������������������������� : Harddisk
Tabel 5
Menu Table Database Structure
����������� ����
c. Table Category
Database Name��������� : delivery
Table������������������������ : Kategori
Media����������������������� : Harddisk
Tabel 6
Category Table Database Structure
d. Confirmation Table
Database Name��������� : delivery
Table������������������������ : Confirmation
Media����������������������� : Harddisk
Tabel 7
Confirmation Table Database Structure
e. Customer Table
Database Name��������� : delivery
Table������������������������ : Customer
Media����������������������� :
Tabel 8
Customer Table Database Sructure
f. ��Booking Table
Database Name��������� : delivery
Table������������������������ : Ordering
Media����������������������� : Harddisk
Tabel 9
Order Table Database Structure
������ �������������
3. Main Menu Display, Program Input and
a. Home Menu Display
Gambar 26
Home Menu Display
b. Profile Menu File
Gambar 27
Profile Menu File
c. Menu Display
Gambar 28
Menu Display
d. Guide View
Gambar 29
Guide View
e. Payment Confirmation Display
Gambar 30
Payment Confirmation Display
f. �Customer Registration View
Gambar 31
Customer Registration View
g. Shopping Cart Menu Display
Gambar 32
Shopping Cart Menu Display
h. Order List Menu View
Gambar 33
Order List Menu View
i. �Shopping Confirmation View
Gambar 34
Shopping Confirmation View
j. �Ordering Complete Print Menu View
Gambar 35
Ordering Complete Print Menu View
k. Admin Login Menu View
Gambar 36
Admin Login Menu View
l. �Admin Menu View
Gambar 37
Tampilan Menu Admin
m. View Edit Admin Password
Gambar 38
View Edit Admin Password
n. Provincial Data View
Gambar 39
Provincial Data View
o. Provincial Data Edit View
Gambar 40
Provincial Data Edit View
p. Provincial Data Add View
Gambar 41
Provincial Data Add View
The ending of the words in this
ending concludes the descriptions that have been put forward by the previous
chapters so as to provide a general picture of the writing of this final task.
From this final task, the author can broadly draw
conclusions: 1) With this information system is expected to solve problems that
have been quite time consuming and employees in charge and responsible in the
sales process. 2) With this web, visitors can find out information about Padang
Sabana Minang Restaurant that has been observed, and can make purchase
transactions without having to come to the business location. 3) Web-based
sales are very efficient and effectively used in the process of data entry
sales transactions, so as to market sales goods more maximally.
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Copyright holder : Maulina Nabila
(2020) |
First publication right : Journal of
Business, Social and Technology (Bustechno) |
This article is licensed under: |