Journal of Business, Social and Technology (Bustechno)




Oxy Prabowo

Qualiti Ansurance Managemen, Syntax Corporation Indonesia, Cirebon, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]







Article Information:







public services; KTP; population service

Public service is the most highlighted thing in any government organization that provides services. One of the public services provided is the making of Identity Card (KTP), as one of the services provided by the government. In this service, the community becomes the most important assessor in knowing the extent of the quality of public services provided by government officials. This paper aims to find out the extent of the quality of public services carried out by the government apparatus to the community. The background of doing this writing is because in terms of the quality of public services, the government apparatus as the implementation of public services is considered less optimal in serving the community. Karna felt less optimal because it takes a long time in the manufacture. The method of writing used is to use qualitative methods through descriptive approaches, by taking the location of writing in the Civil Registration and Population Office of the City of Majalengka, while the key informants in this writing are the Head of the Population and Civil Registration Office of the City of Majalengka, and the Head of Population Coming Field, then the Community on site as the main assessor in the services provided. The data sources used in this writing are primary data and secondary data. The primary data in this writing is obtained from the results of polling and interviews, while secondary data is obtained from other libraries to support the data that has been obtained. Data collection methods used are literature studies, observations, and in-depth interviews. Data analysis is done through data reduction, data display, data verification and inference. In this study the authors used the dimensions of Public Service in Lovelock theory to measure the extent of the quality of public service. The result is (1) Tangible: not optimal enough, (2) Realiable: not enough oprimal, (3) Responsiveness: optimal enough, (4) Assurance: not optimal enough, (5) Empathy: not optimal enough. From the research that researchers did about the Quality of Public Services in the Making of Identity Cards (KTP) in the Office of Population and Civil Registration of the City of Majalengka, it can be concluded that it has not run optimally. Because it takes a long time in the making, which is not in accordance with the promise given by the government..



Indonesia is a country in Southeast Asia, crossed by the equator and between the continents of Asia and Australia and between the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Indonesia is the world's largest archipelago of 13,487 islands (Hardiyansyah, 2018). The form of Government of Indonesia is the republic, with the House of Representatives, the House of Regional Representatives and the President directly elected. The government was formed to maintain the peace and security of a region to be the main authority both internally and externally (Aspinall & Crouch, 2003). As the main purpose of the establishment of the government is to maintain a system of order in the community can live its life fairly. In other words, it is essentially a service to the community that is the primary function of the government. The services provided to the community at all times always demand quality public services from bureaucrats conducted transparently.

As an institution that provides public services, the government ensures the continuity of state administration involving the development of service policies and the management of resources derived from the public interest. If public services performed by local governments are good / quality, then the implementation of regional autonomy can be said to be successful (Tauhid, 2018). Improving the quality of public and public services themselves feel satisfaction for the service is the ultimate goal and bureaucratic reform run by the government. The implementation of public services according to Chapter I Article 1 paragraph 2 of Law No. 25/2009 is every state organizing institution, corporation, independent institution formed by law for public service activities. When the electronic identity card or e-KTP program emerged, people were more familiar with it as e-KTP. But in Indonesian, the application of foreign languages ​​and Indonesian cannot be juxtaposed. So there was a change in the term, which was originally e-KTP to e-KTP. This change in terms does not change the essence of the electronic identity card product. Where the e-KTP stores one's personal data (Isma, 2019).

The mention of the word electronic in the electronic-based identity card is based on the making of an electronic record and certain security codes in the NIK-based ID card blank which will later be given to residents, so that what is meant by an NIK-based ID card is none other than Electronic-based KTP or e-KTP itself. The opinion in this study is to be able to assess the quality of public services carried out by a public service institution to produce quality output. Quality output where the service is in accordance with the expectations of the community. Understanding of the quality of public services as an example of e-KTP-making services (Muhammad Saiyidul, 2020).

The provision of public services by the government apparatus to the public is actually an implication of the function of state apparatus as a public service. Therefore, the position of the government apparatus in public services (public services) is very strategic because it will greatly determine the extent to which the government is able to provide the best service for the community, which in doing so will determine the extent to which the state has performed its role well in accordance with its founding objectives. Socialization of the Electronic Identity Card program has been carried out properly in accordance with the duties and authorities of the Majalengka City Population and Civil Registration Service, through the media of pamphlets, banners, billboards, brochures as well as through electronic media broadcasts of local radio, internet media facebook, website of the Population Service and the City of Bima Civil Registry. Technological innovations in making Electronic Identity Cards have implemented an electronic-based government system (Fitriani, 2017).

The integrated information system in the Electronic Identity Card (E-KTP) making system is in accordance with the use of the latest technology in the national population database whose application includes the City of Majalengka. Bureaucratic reform in the administration of electronic Identity Cards can improve the performance of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) and public support for the implementation of E-KTP in Bima City is maximized. This can be seen from the community's motivation to attend the data recording is also high, especially among the community members in each kelurahan (Oktaviana, 2018).

Similarly, (Moenir, 2006) argues that public service is an activity carried out by a person or a group of people on the basis of material factors through certain systems, procedures and methods in an effort to satisfy the interests of others in accordance with their rights. Public service activities organized by the government to the community include many things that concern all the needs of the community.

Therefore, it can be set standards both in terms of the time required and the result. With the standard of management can plan, implement, supervise and evaluate service activities, so that the final results are satisfactory to the parties who get the service. But various issues arise among the community, it turns out that the right of service received by the community feels that it has not been able to meet the expectations of all parties both from the general public and from the government itself (Dani, 2019).

The low quality of public services is a bad image of the government in the community. And for people who have ever dealt with bureaucracy is always complaining and disappointed about the lack of apparatus in providing services. The quality of public services can be categorized well if the public gets ease of service with a short, fast, precise and satisfactory procedure.

The success of improving the quality of public services is determined by the government's ability to improve the discipline of service officers. Especially the government apparatus of the Population and Civil Registry Office of the City of Majalengka is expected to realize efforts to improve the quality of public services. The real problem of the public service process, especially the making of Identity Card (KTP), is still not optimal. For example, it takes a long time in the making (Asy�ari, 2019).

The provision of public services by government officials to the community is an implication of the function of the state apparatus as public servants. The position of the government apparatus in service is very important because it will greatly determine the extent to which the government is able to provide the best possible service for the community, which in this way will determine the extent to which the state has performed its role very well in accordance with the objectives of its establishment. On the other hand, what happened at the Population and Civil Registration Office of Paser Regency there are still problems in the services provided to the community such as infrastructure, lack of information provided, services provided are still slow, there are still errors in providing service products and lack of tools and forms for services (Karnia & Fanida, 2020).

The Department of Population and Civil Registration of Majalengka City is a government institution that carries out population administration services for the people of Majalengka City. One of its service products is electronic identity card (Damanhuri, 2019).

The electronic identity card service consists of data recording to the printing stages of electronic identity card. The measure used in measuring the quality of service according to Quality of service can be measured from 5 dimensions, namely: Tangible, Reliability, Responsivinces, Assurance and Empathy. Factors that affect the quality of service authors use the behavior of officials and communications.

There is correlation between apparatus behavior with service quality and communication with service quality. For data analysis use frequency distribution with mean and also included graph. Calculate the correlation of kendall tau using SPSS 17.0 application for apparatus behavior with service quality and communication with service quality. The conclusion of this study, the quality of electronic identity card service in the Department of Population and Civil Registration of the City of Salatiga as a whole based on the analysis and data processing is good.

The correlation of 0,835 means the relationship between apparatus behavior and service quality. The correlation of 0.257 means the relationship between communication and service quality. There are some obstacles in the ministry that is the exhaustion of the blank form of ktp-el. Causing the electronic identity card service is considered low by the community and needs improvement in the level of timeliness of electronic identity card service. The need for information and certainty regarding the electronic identity card service.

Indonesia is one of the many countries in the world that have a state apparatus (bureaucracy). The state apparatus is a state apparatus which is the executor and implementation of the government. In the wheels of government, all the components in it support the struggle for the ideals of the nation's struggle and are based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.

The basis possessed by the state officials is an important part in providing services to the community. Public services perceived by the community are the result of the government. The attitude and behavior of bureaucrats in providing services is not yet excellent. The problem that occurs is a complex problem where both the structure and procedures to the human resources need improvement.

We can see that there is a high level of compliance with public service standards, the remaining 6 ministries are still moderate and at a low level. There are still problems in public services in Indonesia. It can be seen that there are still many ministries that have not yet achieved green or high levels of compliance with service standards. Self-service standards are needed by a government. Ignorance of service standards has the potential to result in poor service quality.

This can be observed through visible indicators, for example, if there is no service announcement posted, the potential for legal uncertainty on public services will be very large. If there is no standard fee posted, then the potential for extortion, brokers, and bribes is common in the office. Neglect of public service standards will also encourage the potential for maladministration and corrupt behavior. In the long term, neglect of public service standards has the potential to reduce the credibility of the government's role as a provider of public services.

Law Number 24 of 2013 concerning Population Administration which has been ratified by the DPR-RI on November 26, 2013 is a fundamental change in the field of population administration.

Population Registration Number (NIK) and a single population document. Public service in the field of population administration is one of the public service tasks carried out by the government in order to serve the general public, which includes duties and functions, registering and issuing ID cards, family cards, and various deeds Civil Registry as well as recording of Movements and Management of Population Data.

One of the products of population administration is E-KTP/KTP-el/Electronic Identity Card starting in 2009 with the appointment of the four cities a are Padang, Makassar, Yogyakarta and Denpasar. Meanwhile, other regencies/cities were officially launched by the Ministry of Home Affairs in February 2011 and the recording of permanent population data continues until all Indonesian residents are required to have their personal ID cards recorded.

The Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) changed the term e-KTP which stands for ElectronicKTP to KTP -el. Electronic Identity Card, hereinafter abbreviated as KTP-el, is an Identity Card equipped with a chip which is the official identity of the resident as proof of self issued by the implementing agency. This change in mention is in accordance with Article 1 paragraph 14 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 24 of 2013 concerning amendments to Law no. 23 of 2006 concerning Population Administration.



This type of research is included in the type of descriptive qualitative research. According to (Moleong, 2019) is: "Research of this type of research that seeks to reveal a problem and circumstances as it is, for which researchers are limited to revealing only facts, words, images and not numbers. Descriptive research will not consider that something is already happening, therefore the social situation that arises in society is used as research conducted against the natural background of the ongoing social situation". In this study such as focused on the Quality of Public Service in the manufacture of Identity Cards, descriptive research was selected to describe clearly and naturally the situation on the scene.


Results and Discussion

A.     Implementation of Quality Of Public Services in the Civil Registration and Population Office of Majalengka City

The government must always strive to maintain the peace and security of a region both internally and externally. As the main purpose of the establishment of the government is to maintain a system of order in the community can live its life fairly. In other words, it is essentially a service to the community that is the primary function of the government. The state apparatus as a public servant must provide the best service to the good governence. Services provided to the community at all times always demand quality public services from bureaucrats conducted in a transparent and accountability.

This can be interpreted that the government as the mobilizer and originator of the existing service system in every government organization, must be able to serve professionally, responsively, and not look at the feathers in serving every community.

But the various issues that arise among the community, it turns out that the right of service received by the community feels that it has not met the expectations of all parties both from the general public and from the government itself.

Improving the performance of public service bureaucracy will have broad implications, especially in the level of public trust in the government while the lack of good bureaucratic performance so far is one of the important factors that drive the emergence of a crisis of public trust in the government.

Service to the community can be categorized as effective if the community gets ease of service with a short, fast, precise and satisfactory procedure. The success of improving the effectiveness of public services is determined by the government's ability to improve the discipline of service officers.

One of the service systems managed by the government is the registration of residents in the manufacture of Identity Cards (KTP).� Identity Card (KTP) is the official identity of the Resident as proof of self issued by the Implementing Agency applicable throughout the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

This card must be owned for Indonesian Citizens (WNI) and Foreign Nationals (FOREIGNERS) who have a Permanent Residence Permit (ITAP) who are 17 years old or have already married or have married. Children of foreigners who have ITAP and are 17 years old are also required to have an ID card. KTP for Indonesian citizens is valid for five years and the expiration date is adjusted to the date and month of birth concerned. KTP for foreigners is valid in accordance with the period of Permanent Residence Permit. Especially for residents who are 60 years old and above, get a lifetime ID card that does not need to be extended every five years.

In the service system in the manufacture of Identity Card (KTP) the community can directly assess the ability and performance of each employee in providing services, because in the service of making Identity Card (KTP) from all levels of society also utilize the service.

The flow in terms of making Identity Cards that take place in the government organization of the Department of Population and Civil Registration of the City of Majalengka as follows :

1.    The community of KTP applicants carries the requirements that have been determined and known by RT / RW to obtain an ID card.

2.    When the application file is examined completeness by siak officers of the village, after it is felt complete the file is given to the sub-district.

3.    Denounced the application file re-examined completeness by siak district officers, if it is felt that the file is complete the applicant can directly do a photo shoot, then forwarded to the operator dkecamatan to input data and print.

4.    After entry and printing, the printed ID card is verified by the officers in the Majalengka Civil Registration and Population Office. If the complete data has been signed by the Head of the Population and Civil Registration Office of the City of Majalengka, then stamped and stamped. After the ID card is completed, it is handed back to the sub-district to be given to the community.

From the flow of services above the community as the use of government services directly assess the performance of government officials who serve, the public can give good or bad assessment of the services provided. The public also has the right to give direct criticism if there are government officials who behave not as promised in the implementation of the services that the government provides.

But there is a widespread issue in the community that the services provided by government officials in the Department of Population and Civil Registration of the City of Majalengka in the manufacture of Identity Cards (KTP) is not optimal, because the delay in making can reach 1 (one) month from the time promised by the government, and the illegal levies that exist in the implementation of its services.

This can be seen from the results of interviews conducted by the people who interviewed researchers, Lili's mother said: "The length of the results of identity cards (KTP) that came out is not in accordance with the promised, he said 14 days could be eh it could be up to 1 (one) month can even be more."

From the information given by the people interviewed can be concluded, if the issue that spreads in the community is true and not just a mere issue without any truth.



Based on the discussion in chapter IV (FOUR), it can be concluded as follows implementation of public services in the Department of Population and Civil Registration of the City of Majalengka as measured based on the dimensions of public services according to Lovelock. Tangiable (Touched): Implementation of the quality of public services in the Department of Population and Civil Registration of the City of Majalengka is seen and assessed from this dimension is not good enough. Realiable (Reliable): Implementation of the quality of public services in the Office of Population and Civil Registration of the City of Majalengka seen from this dimension is quite optimal, but not optimal. Responsiveness (Response): The response of public service officers in the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Majalengka city seen from this dimension is quite good.

�Assurance (Jamninan): Implementation of the quality of public services seen from this dimension is not optimal enough. Empathy: The empathy given by public service employees in the Majalengka Civil Registration and Population Office is seen from this dimension as not optimal enough. In the implementation of public services above the determinant factors have not been fully implemented properly by the Department of Population and Civil Registration of the City of Majalengka, this resulted in a public assessment of the quality of public services provided is not good.

Because of the frequent delays made in the making of Identity Cards (KTP), finally the public judged the services provided were not satisfactory. In the implementation of public services in the Department of Population and Civil Registration of the City of Majalengka encountered obstacles including the following. The lack of personnel in the service resulted in an overlap of the work carried out by each personnel, resulting in the lack of optimal service provided. The system used for service sometimes has constraints in the application that is being used, sometimes trouble / error in the network during the implementation of the service. The length of the result of the service that the community requested, because sometimes too slow personnel in serving the community or leaders / superiors needed to know the services provided are not in place. Lack of public awareness in understanding the importance of population documents that should have been owned by every Indonesian citizen.������




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Oxy Prabowo (2020)


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Journal of Business, Social and Technology (Bustechno)


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