Journal of Business, Social and Technology (Bustechno) |
Surya Wijaya
Ridwan Institute,
Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]
Culinary business
has good prospects and is one of the most developed business opportunities
today, ranging from traditional food vendors with the term street vendors,
buffets to modern food vendors who are claimed to be caf� and restaurant
entrepreneurs. Palinggihan Restaurant is one of the food or culinary businesses (Fathansyah, 2012). Where in this restaurant
the mainstay menu served is indonesian specialties that are processed with
interest so that it is appetizing to enjoy the food, plus the place is
comfortable, clean javanese traditional nuance becomes an attraction for diners
of the restaurant, so that the restaurant develops quickly (Assauri, 2014).
In this sales
activity at Palinggihan Restaurant, the author sees that there are still
shortcomings, such as the sales process that slows down the working time
because sales transactions are recorded using notes (bonds), there are often errors
in the calculation of transactions because they still use standard calculators
and also the preparation of income reports still using the ledger (Sukamto & Shalahuddin, 2013). The revenue report is only
calculated based on total sales minus the total expenditure, so the chairman
only knows the amount of money available but cannot calculate the stock of available
or remaining items, the recapitulation of the sale does not correspond to the
sales report due to frequent loss of copy bill. It can be said to be less
effective and efficient (Darmawan & Fauzi, 2013).
In connection
with the problem in Palinggihan Restaurant Jakarta, the author tried to provide
a solution, namely by creating an application to control a sales information
system, because it is very helpful for restaurants to manage and calculate
sales transactions quickly, precisely and efficiently (Indrajani, 2014). Based on the above, the
author compiled this Final Task with the title "Sales Application Program
At Palinggihan Restaurant In Jakarta".
In order to collect data to fulfill the preparation
of this application program, the author does several ways, namely:
Direct Observation Method
Observing the service process in the restaurant by becoming a buyer to
feel directly how the service at Palinggihan
Restaurant to collect data and obtain data that will be used as writing
material (Abdul, 2013).
Conduct direct interviews with employees of Palinggihan
restaurant about sales and transaction activities at Palinggihan
restaurant by asking various questions to obtain information and data.
Library Study Method
Visit the National Library of Indonesia as well as bookstores such as
Gramedia to get reference materials to help the preparation of the Final Task.
Results and Discussion
A. Results
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
Figure 1
Relationship Diagram
Unnormalized Form
Therefore, entropy is lower bounded by the log like-lihood or negative
cycle-consistency loss; minimizingthe cycle-consistency loss maximizes the
entropy ormutual information (Li et al., 2019).
Table 1
Abnormal Shapes
Kode_barang |
Nama_barang |
Jumlah |
Brg_0001 |
Es The Sari Kelapa |
1 |
Brg_0002 |
Tahu Gunting |
1 |
Diskon |
Total Harga |
Dibayar |
10% |
15000 |
20000 |
10% |
5000 |
10000 |
Nama_Kasir |
Grand_Total |
Tanggal |
Deasy |
15000 |
21/Oktober/2017 |
Deasy |
10000 |
21/Oktober/2017 |
b. 1NF/ First Normal Form
First� normal�
form (1NF)� is now considered� to be part of the formal� definition of a relation in the� basic�
(flat) relational� model, historically it was defined to disallow multivalued attributes, composite attributes, and their combinations.
It� states� that�
the domain� of� an�
attribute must include only�
atomic (simple, indivisible) values and�
that� the value of any attribute
in a� tuple must be a single value from
the domain� of� that attribute. Hence, 1NF disallows� having�
a set of� values, a tuple of
values, or a combination of both�
as an attribute value for a single tuple (N�meth, Chiesa, & R�tv�ri, 2019)
First Normal Form
Kode_barang |
Nama_barang |
Jumlah 1 1 |
Brg_0001 |
Es The Sari Kelapa |
Brg_0002 |
Tahu Gunting |
Diskon |
Total Harga |
Dibayar |
Kembali |
10% |
15000 |
20000 |
5000 |
10% |
5000 |
10000 |
5000 |
Nama_Kasir |
Grand_Total |
Tanggal |
Yoga |
15000 |
21/Oktober/2017 |
Yoga |
10000 |
21/Oktober/2017 |
c. �2NF / Second Norman Form
Second Norman Form
Kode_barang |
Nama_barang |
Jumlah 1 1 |
Brg_0001 |
Es The Sari Kelapa |
Brg_0002 |
Tahu Gunting |
Diskon |
Total Harga |
Dibayar |
Kembali |
10% |
15000 |
20000 |
5000 |
10% |
5000 |
10000 |
5000 |
Nama_Kasir |
Grand_Total |
Tanggal |
Yoga |
15000 |
21/Oktober/2017 |
Yoga |
10000 |
21/Oktober/2017 |
Flowchart Program
a. Flowchart Login
process� as� illustrated�
in� the� flowchart�
in� Figure� 4�
starting� from� the�
RFID� Tag� scanning process using RFID Reader, the data
obtained will be compared to the database, if the data match the database then
the presence data will be stored in the cloud database, but if the data is not
suitable then will be asked to scanning again RFID Tags, data stored in the
cloud database is Student ID data, date and time of attendance, courses and on
what week of attendance (Dedy Irawan, Adriantantri, & Farid, 2018).
Figure 2
b. Flowchart Main
Multidisciplinary applicability for� SPFA including both the prompt and the
rubric was demonstrated by the collection of 40 flowcharts� from�
two� Introduction� to�
Sociology� classes� that�
included students from a large variety of majors (Supplemental
Material� 1B). �This� sample was� a�
different� group �of�
students� from the focus group.Additionally, 26 flowcharts, consisting of 13 paired
pre and post� flowcharts,� were�
collected� during a� science,�
technology,� engineering, and
mathematics (STEM) research program for middle and high� school students held in the summer of 2013 (examples
in Figure 3). The pre flowchart, given the first day the students enter the
program, was a baseline measure of the students� understanding of the
scientific process (Wilson & Rigakos, 2016).
Figure 3
Flowchart Main Menu
c. Flowchart Data Goods
Figure 4
Flowchart Data Goods
d. Flowchart Data Goods
Figure 5
Flowchart Data Customer
e. Flowchart Data Table
Figure 6
Flowchart Data Table
f. Flowchart Data Casier
Figure 7
flowchart Data Casier
g. Flowchart Transaction Sales
Figure 8
Flowchart Transaction Sales
Program View Design
a. Login Menu
View Design
~ :: PALINGGIHAN :: ~ Username
Keluar Login |
Figure 9
Design Login Form
Laporan Transaksi Master Tutup Aplikasi |
Figure 10
Main Menu
c. Goods
Data Design
Data Makanan Minuman Kode Nama Makanan
Hapus Simpan Ubah Tambahh
Tutup |
From the results of the discussion
on The Sales Application Program at Palinggihan Restaurant,
it can be concluded that with the Progran Sales
Application At Palinggihan
Restaurant, it is expected that the restaurant owner can be easier in
presenting information on how much food and drinks are sold and how much revenue
turnover. By using the Sales Application Program At Palinggihan Restaurant is expected to accelerate and
facilitate the transaction process and the process of making sales reports both
daily and monthly reports. With the Application Program In
Palinggihan Restaurant, it is expected to be more
effective and efficient because the program is built with a computerized system
so that it is easier to do the process of importing and searching data about
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Abi Surya Wijaya (2021) |
First publication right : Journal of Business, Social and Technology (Bustechno) |
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