Journal of Business, Social and Technology (Bustechno) |
Feri Herdiyanto
Karir SDM, Syntax
Corporation Indoensia, Cirebon Jawa
Barat, Indonesia
Abstract |
Information: Received Revised Accepted Keywords: effectiveness;
work; traffic apparatus |
this research, there is a phenomenon about the ineffectiveness of handling
traffic problems which are the authority of the Bandung City Transportation
Service. The ineffectiveness can be seen from the road arrangements, both the
direction of traffic flow and the handling of problems with lights and
traffic signs as well as the number of bad road vehicles that still pass on
the highway. In connection with this phenomenon, the purpose of this study is
to determine: 1. The effectiveness of the work of employees at the Bandung
City Relations Office and 2. The factors that influence the work
effectiveness of employees at the Bandung City Transportation Service. This research
took place at the Department of Transportation of Bandung City. The research
method used was descriptive qualitative. Data obtained from interviews the
data sources were obtained from documents and informants. Research informants
are the head of the Bandung traffic service and the community. Data analysis
was carried out using interactive analysis techniques, which included data
collection, data presentation, data reduction, and drawing conclusions. The
results of the study concluded that: 1. The work effectiveness of the Bandung
transportation service employees was quite good, seen from the work and
implementation, the implementation of sudden tasks, the creativity of
employees, job satisfaction of employees and users of community
satisfaction.2. The factors that affect work effectiveness are employee job
satisfaction, sudden assignments, communication and coordination between
technical implementing units, cooperation in team work and between
implementing units or between sections, employee creativity in completing
work, facilities and infrastructure that accommodate and in accordance with
needs, as well as community support in the form of road use in accordance
with the rules and regulations. |
The Ministry of Transportation has the task
of organizing affairs in the field of relations in the government to assist the
president in organizing the government of the country. In carrying out its
duties, the ministry of transportation performs functions:
1. Formulation,
determination, and implementation of policies in the field of transportation..
2. Management
of state property / wealth that is the responsibility of the ministry of
3. Supervision
of the implementation of duties within the ministry of transportation.
4. Implementation
of technical guidance and supervision over the implementation of the affairs of
the ministry of transportation in the region, and
5. Implementation
of technical activities that periodically nationwide..
The transportation agency is the main
driver of the realization of development as well as the need for facilities,
facilities and facilities with the priority of smoothness and safety of implementation
through coordination of development in the implementation of transportation.
Motor vehicle testing is one of the public service sectors that plays an important
role in supporting the smooth mobility of people to do activities in other
Bandung city that has been very
developed and advanced that can be seen from the increasingly dense vehicles on
the streets of Bandung, this has been very common in various streets of Bandung
ranging from shopping places, offices, even in places of study such as schools
are already very crowded with vehicles that have exceeded capacity and made pa
ra vehicle owners inevitably have to park their vehicles in places that are not
supposed to and even park in places that are in fact already clearly
accommodated traffic signs are prohibited from parking.
Public awareness is needed in making
Bandung city a city that avoids congestion, but public awareness will only make
Bandung free from congestion in a matter of 30%. But what makes Bandung city
even better is the agency that struggles in the field of transportation or
rather the relevant agency is the Bandung city transportation agency.
The position of the transportation office
in the city of Bandung is a regional technical institution as a supporting
element of the local government. Bandung city transportation agency serves as a
support in creating the implementation of transportation that ensures safety,
security, smoothness, order and comfort and environmental sustainability.
But before we go further we must
know first what the congestion really is. Congestion itself is a situation or
situation where traffic is choked or even stopped due to the large number of
vehicles exceeding the capacity of the road. Congestion occurs in many major
cities, especially those that do not have good or adequate public
transportation is also unbalanced road needs with population density.
In Undang-undang No. 22 of 2009 on LLAJ
(road transport traffic) is defined as the movement of vehicles and people in road
traffic spaces, while the road traffic space is an infrastructure intended for
moving vehicles, people and goods in the form of roads and supporting facilities.
The government aims to realize safe, safe, fast, smooth, orderly, and orderly,
convenient and efficient road transport.
(Gibson & Barnes, 2000)� reveal three approaches regarding
effectiveness, namely:
1. Approach
the goal
The goal
approach to defining and evaluating effectiveness is the oldest and most widely
used approach. According to this approach, the existence of an organization is
intended to achieve a specific goal. The goal approach emphasizes the central
role of goal achieving as a criterion for assessing effectiveness and having a
strong influence on the development of management theories and practices and behaviors
of organizations, but it is difficult to understand how to do them. An
alternative to this approach is system theory.
2. Approach
to system theory
System theory
emphasizes the defense of the basic elements of input-process-spending and adapts
to the broader environment that sustains the organization. This theory echoes
the organization's relationship to the larger system in which it is a part. The
organizational concept of a part of a system relating to a larger system
introduces the importance of its feedback as information reflects the outcome
of an action or series of actions by a person, group or organization. System
theory also soothes the importance of information feedback. The core of system
theory is:
a. Effectiveness
criteria should reflect the input-process-output cycle, not the simple output; and
b. Effectiveness
criteria should reflect the relationship between the organization and the
larger environment in which it resed.
So the effectiveness
of the organization is a concept with a wide scope including a number of
concept components; and managerial tasks are to maintain an optimal balance
between the components and their parts.
Multiple constituency approach.
This approach is
a perspective that emphasizes the importance of relative relationships between
group and individual interests in the relative relationship between group and
individual interests within an organization. With this approach allows the
importance of groups and individuals in an organization. This approach enables
combining system objectives and approaches to obtain a more appropriate
approach to organizational effectiveness.
(Nurcahya, 2018)
Provide the following definition: "effectiveness is the utilization of
resources, facilities and infrastructure in a certain amount that is
consciously set in advance to produce a number of goods for the services carried
out. Efetivitas shows success in terms of achieving the goals that have been
set. If the result of the activity is closer to the target, means the higher
the effectiveness.
(Nurussyfa & Panggiarti, 2020)
�effectiveness is the placement of resources, facilities and infrastructure in
a certain amount that is consciously set in advance to produce a number of jobs
on timeFrom some of the opinions of the experts above, it can be concluded that
a work can be carried out appropriately, effectively, efficiently if the work
is carried out appropriately as planned.
(Putra & Tukiman, 2019)
stating effectiveness is doing the right thing, whereas efficiency is doing the
right thing, or effectiveness is the extent to which we achieve goals and
efficiency is we mix all resources carefully.
Effectiveness is
generally seen as the level of achievement of operative and operational goals.
Thus basically effectiveness is the level of achievement of the appropriate
organizational goals or objectives set. Effectiveness is how well the work is
done, the extent to which a person produces output as expected. This can be
interpreted, if a job can be done well as planned, can be said to be effective
regardless of time, energy, and others.
Bandung, the congestion rate is very high, many people are violating traffic so
that it creates congestion that makes this traffic jam mostly public
transportation that stops (ngetem) carelessly so as to disturb other motorists (Saputra, 2015).
Service employees should manage traffic every day so as to reduce the congestion
in the city of Bandung. So that people who do not obey the rules of this road
will feel afraid or self-aware with the presence of employees who are
opinionated or regulate traffic. The majority of people or motorists obey
traffic when there are employees who are regulating traffic only, when not
regulating community traffic again do not comply with road rules. And these
traffic employees should be regulating traffic every day so that the public
complies with road rules. So that Bandung city is free from congestion even
though it can not eliminate congestion but at least reduce the number of
congestion. Pegaeai Dinas does its job well and the community complies with the
road rules. So there is a cooperation between Service and Community employees (Nugroho, 2010).
This research uses a qualitative approach. Qualitative
approach is a process of research and understanding based on a methodology that
investigates a phenomenal. According to jane richie (Auliya & Suminar, 2016)
Qualitative research is an effort to improve the social world and its
perspective in the world, in terms of concepts, behaviors, perceptions and
problems about human beings are meticulous.
The method that researchers used in this study are a
descriptive method. The descriptive method according to Nawawi (Bernat et al., 2014)
can be interpreted as a problem-solving procedure that is investigated by describing
or describing the state of the subject or object of research (a person,
institution, society, and others) at this time based on facts that appear or as
is. According to (Arikunto, 2010)
Deskriktif research method is research that is
intended to investigate the circumstances, conditions, or other things already
mentioned, the results of which are presented in the form of research reports.
Scientific methods are used to obtain data with
specific purposes and use. Based on this, there are four keywords that need to
be considered, namely scientific means, data, purpose, and usefulness. The
reason the author uses qualitative methods that are deriktif
because qualitative method is not to look for some of the influence of a variable
on other variables, but the research that the author did is to explore, find
and explain how the problem of congestion in the city of Bandung can be handled
to the maximum.
Results and Discussion
The Ministry of Transportation has the
task of organizing affairs in the field of relations in the government to
assist the President
in organizing the government of the country. In carrying out its duties, the
ministry of transportation performs the functions of :
1. Formulation,
determination, and implementation of policies in the field of transportation.
2. Management
of state property / wealth that is the responsibility of the ministry of
3. Supervision
of the implementation of duties within the ministry of transportation.
4. Implementation
of technical guidance and supervision over the implementation of the affairs of
the ministry of transportation in the region, and
5. Implementation
of technical activities that periodically nationwide.
The transportation agency is the main
driver of the realization of development as well as the need for facilities,
facilities and facilities with the priority of smoothness and safety of
implementation through coordination of development in the implementation of
transportation. Motor vehicle testing is one of the public service sectors that
plays an important role in supporting the smooth mobility of people to do
activities in other sectors.
In Bandung city that has been very
developed and advanced that can be seen from the increasingly dense vehicles on
the streets of Bandung, it is very common in various streets of Bandung ranging
from shopping places, offices, even in places of study such as schools are
already very crowded with vehicles that have exceeded capacity and made the owners
of vehicles inevitably have to park their vehicles in places that are not
supposed to and even park in places that are in fact already clearly
accommodated traffic signs are prohibited from parking.
Public awareness is needed in making
Bandung city a city that avoids congestion, but public awareness will only make
Bandung free from congestion in a matter of 30%. But what makes Bandung city
even better is the agency that struggles in the field of transportation or rather
the relevant agency is the Bandung city transportation agency.
The position of the transportation
office in the city of Bandung is a regional technical institution as a
supporting element of the local government. Bandung city transportation agency
serves as a support in creating the implementation of transportation that ensures
safety, security, smoothness, order and comfort and environmental
But before we go further we must know
first what the congestion really is. Congestion itself is a situation or
situation where traffic is choked or even stopped due to the large number of
vehicles exceeding the capacity of the road. Congestion occurs in many major
cities, especially those that do not have good or adequate public
transportation is also unbalanced road needs with population density.
�� In-Law
No. 22 of 2009 concerning LLAJ (road transportation traffic) it is defined as
the movement of vehicles and people in road traffic space, while road traffic
space is an infrastructure intended for the movement of vehicles, people, and goods
in the form of roads and supporting facilities. The government aims to realize
road transportation that is safe, safe, fast, smooth, orderly, and organized,
comfortable, and efficient.
The purpose is
the realization of a specific mission that is specific and can be carried out in
the short term the purpose is a statement of the circumstances in which the
organization or company intends to realize and as a statement of the
circumstances in the future in which the organization as collectivity tries to
give rise to it.
Organization is
a form of alliance between two or more people who work together and are
formally bound in order to achieve a goal that has been determined in a bond
where there is a person / several people called superiors and a / group of
people called subordinates.
Organization is a
form of coordination of all rational activities by a number of people to
achieve goals through division in the work and functions of the hierarchy of
authority and responsibility of each member.
Organization is
the arrangement and arrangement of certain parts to become one unity, rules and
arrangements of various parts so that it becomes an orderly unity and a
combination of cooperation to achieve a specific goal.
Cooperation is an important factor if you take the best workforce for the
organization in the company or organization. Performance and results are
assessment factors that are in the top share of management's priorities.
The author conducted an interview with mr. syahroni as head of traffic department
of transportation:
With the cooperation of the organization because here concerns the
existence of transportation with congestion with the cooperation with the
parking UPTD with the police and pp police where in the traffic there are
obstacles termed side obstacles. With the side obstacles caused by parking on
irregular road bodies, there must be coordination with the parking UPTD. then
cooperation with pp satpol where sometimes there are beggars and street vendors
who are in the intersections that inevitably have to cooperate with the PP
satpol. Furthermore, cooperation with the police with the problem of traffic
congestion of road users or the public who inevitably have to cooperate between
relevant agencies because here stekholder it must be implemented for the
effectiveness of cooperation. So in every cooperation there must be
coordination. Cooperation there is already a form of attachment of two or more
parties in terms of addressing the problem of congestion on the road
The author's response regarding the interview with Mr. Syahroni as head of
traffic in Bandung city transportation office of Bandung city regarding organizational
cooperation as follows:
Dishub party must increase cooperation with the relevant agencies in order
to implement good cooperation by communicating and improving work and coordinating
in every activity such as regulating traffic in the city of Bandung.
The author conducted
an interview with Mr. Sukiman as a road user regarding the cooperation of the
organization as follows:
The author conducted
an interview with Mr. Sukiman as a road user regarding the cooperation of the
organization as follows:
The author's
response to an interview with a road user in Bandung:
Dishub parties should be able to work with the community and socialize
about good and correct driving because there are still many people who do not
understand about road regulations. So that the comfort and safety of driving continues to run smoothly and well so that the congestion in the city of Bandung can at least be reduced.
Organizational Cohesiveness
The author conducted an interview with mr. syahroni as head of traffic in Bandung city relations
office about the cohesiveness of the organization as follows:
Cohesiveness is a condition on which the name of the compact must exist
because to set the way the task itself must be compact because it is a
condition that the work can be done in the presence of compactness,
coordination, cooperation and if the compactness is not there then it will not
The author's response to the interview with DISHUB Bandung city is as follows:
For the compactness that the author sees about the cohesiveness in the
transportation service is good enough because each member encourages each other
so that each activity runs smoothly:
The author conducted an interview with mr. sukiman as a road user about
the cohesiveness of the organization as follows:
Road users say and hope that the cohesiveness of traffic officers is always
maintained and always compact to conduct activities to organize the road so
that the community feels served and comfortable in driving.
The author's response to the response to the interview with road users
about the cohesiveness of the organization is as follows:
The author's response to the interview to the community about the
cohesiveness of the organization is not much different from the response of the
interview with the transportation agency. That is, hopefully the work of the
traffic officers improve again and maintain the cohesiveness to carry out each
Performance responsibilities
The author conducted an interview with the father of syahroni as the head
of traffic field in the transportation office in Bandung city regarding the
responsibility of performance as follows:
For the responsibility of all members have done well because in every
activity or task must be accounted for properly because if in each task no one
is responsible it will be a problem.
The author conducted an interview with mr. sukiman as a road user regarding
the responsibilities as follows:
Responsibility is very important because it is already a responsibility
for all members or officers in carrying out their duties because as proof that
the community feels well served by the responsibility of the officer.
The author's response to the responsibilities is as follows:
That responsibility is an obligation because in every job it must be
accounted for for example such as LPJ (accountability report) because in any
agency whose name is responsible it must exist.
A successful organization can be measured by looking at how far it can
achieve a set goal. The concept of Effectiveness expressed by organizational
and management experts has different meanings, depending on the frame of
reference used. In fact (Stoner, 1982) emphasized the importance of organizational effectiveness in
achieving organizational goals and effectiveness is the key to the success of
an organization.
Effectiveness is the achievement of an activity according to the plan. A
job done by a person, will support the achievement of goals in a group. This is
because each organization is divided into several parts or groups. Meanwhile, achieving
the group's objectives will support the achievement of the organization's
overall goals. Therefore, the effectiveness in an organization can be described
as follows:
That relationships individual effectiveness, group effectiveness, and
organizational effectiveness. The effectiveness of the individual will support
the effectiveness of the group, and the effectiveness of the group will support
the effectiveness of the organization. Thus, the achievement of the objectives
of the organization depends on the effectiveness of the group. Similarly the
effectiveness of the group depends on the effectiveness of the individual.
Unity of functions
The author conducted an interview with mr. syahroni as head of traffic
regarding the unity of functions as follows:
The unity of the function itself must be fused can not walk alone. in the
organization there is a sectariat, there are areas of course each work unit has
a different function - different. And each unit it must unite is impossible to
walk alone.
The author conducted an interview with mr. sukiman as a road user regarding
the unity of functions as follows:
The author conducted an interview with mr. sukiman as a road user
regarding the unity of functions as follows:
The author's concern about the interview about the unity of functions as
The unity of that function must be integrated can not run alone because
there are already individual parts or individual tasks that must be done to
achieve the same goal because in each organization has a vision and mission
that must be realized.
Individual relationships
The author conducted an
interview with Mr. Syahroni as the head of traffic in Bandung city transportation
office regarding individual relationships as follows:
Individually it forms, like a compact so there is a horizontal relationship
and there is also a vertical relationship if the horizontal relationship alone
is no relationship then it is not compact even if the compact is also not
maximal. similarly, vertical relationships such as commando not running or
disconnected will not be carried out. So that's where the function of the
leadership how to understand the relationship between members in order to move
subordinates and superiors so that individual relationships can run well.
The author conducted an interview with mr. sukiman as a road user
regarding individual relationships as follows:
According to the father sukiman about the individual relationship must be
maintained because with the existence of individual relationships can improve
the performance of the officer if the individual relationship does not go well
then the existing in each activity will not run smoothly.
The author's response to the interview of individual relationships is as
In an organization whose name is individual relationships must exist
because it greatly affects performance results with the presence of individual
relationships itself can improve good performance smoothly.
What factors hinder
the effectiveness of the work of traffic officials in handling congestion in the
city of Bandung.
Factors that inhibit
the effectiveness of traffic officers' work in dealing with traffic jams in the
city of Bandung
With the presence of
illegal parking that is not regular so that it eats up the body of the road
that results in the volume of roads that are through the buser becomes narrower
and still.
The number of
pedicabs that are stuck on the side of the road resulting in a delay in the
flow of traffic resulting in prolonged congestion
there are also still
some street vendors (street vendors) who sell on the shoulders of the road that
result in congestion.
And there are still
many road users who do not obey the rules as well as stop at prohibited places
that have been marked in the ban stop and still remain stopped. and that is often
complained by the community.
With the existence
of public transportation that stops at will to find passengers where there are
already visible signs on the stop that cause congestion.
lack of public
knowledge about existing traffic regulations, and how to drive well and correctly.
With these obstacles, hopefully the traffic officers and the Bandung city government can
solve this problem and further improve its performance so that the congestion
problem in the city of Bandung can be resolved at least can be reduced so that people can
feel comfortable while driving.
Any efforts to
overcome the problems of the effectiveness of the work of traffic officers in
handling congestion in the city of Bandung
As discussed by the author at the discussion at the beginning that
Overcoming problems in the effectiveness of the work of traffic officers in
handling congestion in the city of Bandung in handling the problem, the
authorities must improve performance requires good readiness and enforce the
rules are always agile in carrying out their duties. The efforts that must be carried
out by traffic officers in solving this problem are as follows:
Maintain and
establish good communication between the Bandung city government and the transportation
agency and with the relevant agencies to coordinate or manage the smooth
The preparedness of
the traffic officers in monitoring any traffic jams that often occur in the
city of Bandung.
Bandung city government must provide solutions for decent or neat
parking lots so as not to eat road bodies that cause the road to become narrower
to pass.
Bandung city government should improve services such as completing
traffic signs and maintaining all traffic facilities in Bandung city.
The effectiveness of transportation department
staffing is less effective because there are still many people who violate
traffic so as to create congestion in the city of Bandung, the community
violates road regulations due to the lack of supervision of the traffic service
so that the community feels free and violates traffic, such as illegal parking,
public transportation that is not on its part or disturbs other motorists let
alone the awareness of the community is so decreased that they are accustomed
to the violations they commit. If the officers comply in regulating traffic or
the officers are always on standby in the field the community will also be
afraid so as not to violate the traffic.
The conclusions that can be submitted
during the research of the Bandung Transportation Agency are as follows:
To overcome the growing congestion even
to overcome the occurrence of total congestion, the whole community and also
the government must immediately think about the way out from now on. The
government must be able to control the rate of urbanization and must also be
able to take the birth rate seriously. The government immediately built a
one-way street, as well as improving the safety and comfort of public
transportation from now on. In addition, the government should also improve the
enforcement of laws on traffic rules. The community can also help the
government in reducing congestion, such as by obeying traffic rules, raising
legal awareness about traffic and can also be done by complying with all
traffic regulations. If all that can be done well, maybe the traffic jams will
be slightly reduced. Traffic discipline of road users is still very low. This
is one of the problems that cause traffic jams. And it is very detrimental to
the community because macertan can cause fuel waste, waste of time and can
cause air pollution.
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Copyright holder : Feri Herdiyanto
(2020) |
First publication right : Journal of
Business, Social and Technology (Bustechno) |
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