Journal of Business, Social and Technology (Bustechno) |
Supardi, Imamah Khairiyah, Fitriani, Suhairi
Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara
Email: [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract |
Information: Received Revised Accepted Keywords: source of working
capital, use of working capital |
purpose of this study was to analyze and find out the results of the analysis
of sources and use of working capital at Bank Sumut for the 2019-2020 period.
This research uses descriptive analysis. The object of this research is the
Bank of North Sumatra. The type of data used in this study is quantitative
data in the form of company financial records at Bank Sumut in 2019-2020.
Sources of data used in this study using secondary data sources. The results
showed that there was an increase in working capital seen from the table of
changes in working capital and the table of sources of working capital use at
Bank Sumut, as well as an increase in working capital with quantitative
concepts, qualitative concepts and functional concepts in 2019 to 2020. |
Analysis of the source and use of working capital is very
important for internal and external analysts, in addition to the problem of
working capital is closely related to the daily operations of the company also
shows the level of security of creditors, especially short-term creditors.
Sufficient working capital is very important for a company to operate as
economically as possible and the company does not experience difficulties or
face dangers that may occur due to a crisis or financial turmoil (Suratiyono, 2016).
Thus, sufficient working capital will facilitate its business
activities so as to enable it to achieve the expected efficiency and profit.
Working capital has a flexible nature, the size of working capital can be
increased or decreased according to the needs of the company. Components of
working capital consisting of cash, accounts receivable, inventories and
marketable securities must be utilized as efficiently as possible. The amount
of working capital must be in accordance with the needs of the company, because
both excess or lack of working capital have a negative impact on the company (Rustiyani,
Sunarya, & Danial, 2018). In other words, sufficient working capital will be able to
provide maximum profit. However, excessive working capital indicates
unproductive funds and will cause losses for the company because the
opportunity to earn profits has been wasted. On the other hand, insufficient
working capital will result in the failure of a company.
Policy analysis of sources and use of funds is intended to
assess the policies of the company concerned in the use of funds and how to
obtain funds for the future period in financing current assets and fixed
assets. The concept of working capital contains three main meanings, namely Gross
Working Capital (Quantitative) which is the entirety of the total current
assets and Net Working Capital (Qualitative) which is the difference between
current assets minus current liabilities (Kasmir, 2012).
Meanwhile, Non Working Capital (Functional) focuses on the function of funds
that generate current income.
Controlling the right amount of working capital will ensure
the continuity of the company's operations efficiently and economically. If the
working capital is too large, then the funds that have been invested in working
capital exceed the need. Even though these funds can actually be used for other
purposes in order to increase profits (Maswatu, Pelleng, & Tampi, 2016).
However, if the working capital is too small or insufficient, the company will
be less able to carry out its fund circulation activities, such as buying raw
materials, paying employee salaries and other obligations.
Therefore, researchers are interested in taking the title,
namely "Analysis of Sources and Use of Working Capital at Bank Sumatra
Utara for the 2019-2020 period". The purpose of this study was to analyze
and find out the results of the analysis of sources and use of working capital
at Bank Sumut for the 2019-2020 period. This research is considered interesting
because this research can be used as a suggestion to the Bank of North Sumatra
in order to maintain its working capital in the future because controlling the
amount of working capital that will ensure the continuity of the company's
operations efficiently and economically.
This type of research is descriptive research to provide a
systematic and accurate description of the facts, nature of the relationship
between phenomena studied by a company (Sugiyono, 2017).
The object of this research is the Bank of North Sumatra. The type of data used
in this study is quantitative data in the form of company financial records at
Bank Sumut in 2019-2020. Sources of data used in this study using secondary
sources. Secondary data sources are sources that do not directly provide data
to data collectors, for example from other people or documents (Sugiyono, 2018). In this study, secondary data
were obtained from the official website
Results and Discussion
The development of working capital at Bank of North Sumatra
can be seen using horizontal trend analysis by comparing each component in the
balance sheet (current assets and current liabilities) during the period of
observation with the year used as the base year. The following is data on the
development of the amount of working capital at Bank Sumut for the 2019-2020
period in the following tables:
Table 1
Changes in Bank Sumut's Working Capital Period 2019-2020
Description |
2019 |
2020 |
Changes in Working
Capital |
Rp |
Rp |
Increase |
Decrease |
Cash |
851.987 |
999.260 |
147.273 |
Placements with Bank Indonesia and other Banks |
1.512.624 |
3.752.865 |
2.240.241 |
Securities |
0 |
701.464 |
Credit |
20.950.346 |
21.186.023 |
235.677 |
Fixed Assets and Inventory |
1.157.980 |
1.174.835 |
16.855 |
Other assets |
289.200 |
332.190 |
42.990 |
Current asset |
24.762.137 |
28.146.637 |
Current Account |
4.864.211 |
4.371.330 |
492.881 |
Savings |
9.700.543 |
9.735.266 |
34.723 |
Time Deposit |
7.506.536 |
7.757.023 |
250.487 |
Deposits from other banks |
724.612 |
192.836 |
531.776 |
Issued securities |
441.840 |
442.145 |
305 |
Loans accepted |
750.860 |
871.038 |
120.178 |
Guarantee deposit |
350 |
152 |
198 |
Other liabilities |
274.110 |
248.906 |
25.204 |
Current liabilities |
24.263.062 |
23.618.696 |
Total |
499.075 |
3.088.729 |
Ascension |
Total |
3.088.729 |
3.088.729 |
Source: Bank of North Sumatra
financial statements for the period 2019-2020
Based on the table above, the results of research at the Bank
of North Sumatra show that there was an increase in current assets previously
in 2019 of Rp. 24,762,137, an increase in 2020 of Rp. 28,146,637. In addition,
the amount of current debt at Bank Sumut also increased from 2019 of Rp.
24,263,062 to Rp. 23,618,696 in 2020. So that the working capital obtained from
the reduction of current assets with current liabilities was seen in 2019
experiencing a surplus of Rp. 499,075 because Current liabilities are lower
than current assets. Likewise, in 2020, the working capital of Bank Sumut
experienced a surplus of Rp. 4,527,941 because the total current assets were
higher than current liabilities. Therefore, the change in working capital at
Bank Sumut increased by Rp. 1,050,059 from Rp. 3,088,729 so the difference was
Rp. 2,038,670.
Table 2
Report on Source and Use of Working Capital of Bank of North Sumatra
Resources |
Rp |
Use |
Rp |
Cash |
147.273 |
Current Account |
492.881 |
Placements with Bank Indonesia and other Banks |
2.240.241 |
Savings |
34.723 |
Securities |
time deposit |
250.487 |
Credit |
235.677 |
Loans from Bank Indonesia and other Banks |
531.776 |
Fixed assets |
16.855 |
Issued securities |
305 |
Other assets |
42.990 |
Loans accepted |
120.178 |
Guarantee deposit |
198 |
Other liabilities |
25.204 |
Total |
Increase in Working Capital |
1.227.284 |
Total |
2.683.036 |
Source: Processed by Researchers
Table 2 above shows that the sources of working
capital for Bank of North Sumatra are Rp. 2,683,036 and the use of working
capital for Bank of North Sumatra is Rp. 1,455,752, there is an increase in
working capital of Rp. 1,227,284 because the use of working capital for Bank of
North Sumatra is smaller than other sources of capital. earned work.
Capital shows
that the current assets of Bank Sumut quantitative concept in 2019 was Rp. 24,762,137,
an increase in 2020 of Rp. 28,146,637. This was due to placements with Bank
Indonesia, loans, fixed assets, securities and other assets at Bank Sumut
increased by Rp 3,384,500.
capital qualitative concept of Bank of North Sumatra shows current assets minus
current liabilities. In 2019 current assets of Rp 24,762,137 minus current
liabilities of Rp 24,263,062 is Rp 499,075. And in 2020 current assets of IDR
28,146,637 minus current liabilities of IDR 23,618,696 is IDR 4,527,941. So
that there was a difference in the increase of IDR 4,028,866.
The working
capital of the functional concept of the Bank of North Sumatra shows the
working capital of the functional concept of the Bank of North Sumatra, current
assets in 2019 amounted to Rp. 23,910,150, an increase in 2020 by Rp.
26,445,913 due to placements with BI and other banks, loans, fixed assets and
other assets in the Bank's current assets. North Sumatra increased so that the
difference increased by Rp 2,535,763.
Based on the
explanation of the results and discussion above, it can be concluded that in
this study, the Bank of North Sumatra showed that an increase in working
capital was seen from the table of changes in working capital and the table of
sources of use of working capital, as well as an increase in working capital
with quantitative concepts, working capital concepts. qualitative and
functional concepts in 2019 to 2020.
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Copyright holder : Supardi, Imamah
Khairiyah, Fitriani, Suhairi (2022) |
First publication right : Journal of
Business, Social and Technology (Bustechno) |
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