Journal of Business, Social and Technology (Bustechno)




Ramayanti Simanjorang, Zuhrinal M Nawawi

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam, Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara, Indonesia

Email: [email protected],[email protected]







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Keywords: interest in entrepreneurship, tiktok, millennial generation

At this time the world has entered the industrial revolution 4.0, where all life activities are based online. The advancement of the world of technology today requires the internet as a means of communication, data exchange, and information seeking media which is in great demand by every group, especially the millennial generation. This study aims to determine the role of tiktok social media in increasing interest in entrepreneurship in the millennial generation. The method that the researcher uses in this study is a descriptive qualitative research method by conducting interviews with 10 informants who have a TikTok account with more than 800 followers. The results of the interview show that TikTok plays a role in increasing interest in entrepreneurship in the millennial generation as a promotional medium and a forum for selling online. so there is no need to meet directly with consumers. That way, the millennial generation doesn't have to spend a lot of money to make brochures, and they don't have to rent an expensive place to sell.



Entering the era of globalization or today's language is the digital era. What we know is that everything has to do with technology. For example, if we want to shop, we have to go to the market to meet the seller directly. Now with the times, if you want to shop, you just have to open buying and selling applications such as Shope, Lazada, Bukalapak and many more examples of buying and selling applications or e-commerce.

Tiktok is a social media network on video platform which was introduced by Zhang Yiming in 2016 by Byte Dance. Previously this application had a name Douyin which exploded in China, but because it is very popular, Douyin also expanded to various countries with a new name, namely Tiktok.

Tiktok is also a short video application. In 2021 to be precise, in April TikTok expanded its business into the realm of e-commerce called Tiktok shop.

The era of globalization can improve Indonesia's economic life for the better, but on the other hand, this digitalization era is one of the challenges for society, especially the millennial generation. Millennials must prepare themselves to face today's global competition. In this era, the development of technology and communication is growing rapidly, making business progress.

Another benefit of entrepreneurship at a young age is being so close to the latest technology. Technological developments are increasingly rapid as it is today, making entrepreneurs able to launch their business in terms of internet access as a medium for marketing, promotion, or doing business (Nordiana, 2013). Even now in this pandemic era, entrepreneurs can take advantage of technology to make their business easier. If it is associated with the current millennial generation, of course it is easy to understand market trends at their age, this is because science and technology is very accessible. Millennials now definitely have social media accounts, making them aware of trends at their age.

So, there is no need to wait old enough to start a new business, now that we see many young people already have a business. The role of the millennial generation today is very large in building the nation, the broad way of thinking of the millennial generation can make changes and can be a pioneer, not only following existing trends, but also creating new things in society. To be able to give birth to young entrepreneurs is not an easy thing, because it is not only a matter of the availability of capital, technology, markets and creativity to become entrepreneurs, but a strong entrepreneurial mentality, attitude and behavior must be deeply embedded in order to become a strong entrepreneur. This is not something that is easy and can be created in a short time, but it must be planted and understood early at school age, so that at a productive age, you can become an independent person.



This research took place in Sidikalang sub-district, Dairi Regency. The research approach used is qualitative research (Cresswell, 2017).The data source used in this study is the primary data source, namely the millennial generation who live in Sidikalang District who are willing to be the subject of the research. Before collecting data, the researcher conducted a library study with the aim of understanding the topic of discussion in order to facilitate research.


Results and Discussion

Now one of the social media that is booming is the Tiktok application. People, especially millennials, use Tiktok as a promotional tool (Puspitarini & Nuraeni, 2019). Currently Tiktok is one of the applications that has many users. This is what makes millennials motivated to become entrepreneurs.

Tiktok has many users. According to Pertiwi (2020) in (Dewa & Safitri, 2021), in August 2020 the Tiktok application was named the best-selling application with a total of 63.3 million downloads on both the Apple Store and Play Store. Indonesia is the country with the most downloads of the application, accounting for 11% of the total Tiktok application downloads.

From the results of interviews conducted by researchers with 30 young people living in the city of Sidikalang. 20 of them use the tiktok application as a promotional medium for profit, and 10 others use tiktok as entertainment.

The Covid-19 pandemic has caused a lot of unemployment, this is because their place of work is closed. Many young people returned to the village. However, with the development of the times, young people think hard to make money. Yes, with the Tiktok application they find new ideas, to start a business (Nordiana, 2013).

According to one young person, TikTok is a platform that provides various interesting features so that it has more users. They say that tiktok users are a form of creativity. This is evidenced by the users channeling art ideas on the Tiktok application. Starting from creating entertainment content, make-up, culinary, to parody (Ruth & Candraningrum, 2020).

However, from the results of research, tiktok is widely used as a promotional tool. It is not uncommon for researchers to see videos of young people selling their products. Most of their products are clothing. Yes, as we know, young people are synonymous with clothes, which are now called outfits (Rahayu & Laela, 2018).

In the context of this research, generation Z Muslim users in Indonesia can feel the pleasure of using the TikTok application in terms of freedom in creating content. They find it easy to create video content (Rakhmayanti, 2020). The TikTok application offers a 'search' service to select songs, so that it will be easier for users. In addition, for users to get a sense of fun, TikTok also provides interface features by adding special effects such as beauty and slow motion. In addition, users are also spoiled with the feature to make short videos of their favorite music, so that the process of producing complicated content video can be minimized with the ease of use of TikTok and will create a perception of pleasure for the user.



Tiktok is a social media network on video platform which was introduced by Zhang Yiming in 2016 by Byte Dance. Previously this application had a name Douyin which exploded in China, but because it is very popular, Douyin also expanded to various countries with a new name, namely Tiktok.

Tiktok is also a short video application. In 2021 to be precise, in April TikTok expanded its business into the realm of e-commerce called Tiktok shop. Based on the discussion above, the researcher concludes that tiktok is a promotional media tool. Tiktok is not just some dance video content. But there are many positive things from this application. For example, selling through the Tiktok application. In addition to many users, TikTok also provides various interesting features, ranging from editing, searching songs, and adding insight for entrepreneurs by viewing TikTok shop videos.

The factors that influence the intention to use the TikTok application include the perception of pleasure on the perception of benefits, the perception of pleasure on the ease of use, the perception of pleasure on the intention to use, and the perception of ease of use on the perceived benefits.



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Copyright holder :

Ramayanti Simanjorang, Zuhrinal M Nawawi (2022)


First publication right :

Journal of Business, Social and Technology (Bustechno)


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