Journal of Business, Social and Technology (Bustechno) |
Negeri 1 Klego, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]
Abstract |
Information: Received Revised Accepted Keywords: Think Pair and Share; Developing
Resources; Learning Media |
The general research objective is to determine the level of teacher skills in developing learning resources and media after supervision of the Think Pair and Share model. In particular, this study aims to improve the skills of teachers in developing learning resources and media through the supervision of the Think Pair and Share model.The research subjects were teachers of SD Negeri 1 Klego, Klego District, Boyolali Regency, totaling 7 people. The type of research is school action research. Data collection techniques used: questionnaires, observations, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique used descriptive qualitative.The results of the study concluded: (1) Think Pair and Share model was able to increase the active participation of teachers to exchange ideas and experiences, increase reciprocal interaction between teachers, increase openness among teachers, increase teacher understanding of the problems encountered in the learning process; (2) Think Pair and Share model is very effective to improve the skills of teachers in developing learning resources and media, because all teachers respond with high categories. In other words, the teacher feels that supervision with the Think Pair and Share model is very useful for improving learning resources and media. |
At the beginning of the 2021/2022 school year, after
limited online or face-to-face learning, learning began to return to normal.
Normally learning requires administrative preparation and preparation of
learning materials, Administrative Preparation activities include preparation
of lesson plans, assessments, student activity sheets, and so on. Preparation
of Learning Materials is related to how to organize learning materials that
will be presented to students, including their mastery.
Some principles that are generally accepted for all good
teachers are first because teaching is a process in which teachers interact
with their students, so teachers must understand and respect students. Children
are full human beings who have the right to respectful treatment from their teachers,
so that later they become adult citizens who are respected and respect others.
Second, usually all subjects are given by the lecture method, which means the
teacher speaks and the students listen. Then the teacher gives a test or test
to find out where the learning material is mastered by the child. There are
times when the lecture method is the most suitable, but often it is not
suitable so it is necessary to use another method. Therefore, mastering various
learning methods is very important. Third, a good teacher activates students in
terms of learning. "learning by doing". Fourth, true learning
activities do not exist if children do not see the need for a lesson for themselves.
Therefore, teachers must be able to relate lessons to the needs of students.
Fourth, the teacher has a specific goal with each lesson he gives.
The learning process requires the teacher's skills in
managing the classroom, delivering learning materials using a particular
learning approach that involves as much of the competence of students as
possible during the learning process (student centered) and complete learning
(master learning). Thus, appropriate learning methods can be selected in order
to achieve results through a process in accordance with the objectives or
competency standards. The teaching and learning process is the main activity of
the school. Schools are given the freedom to have the most effective
strategies, methods, and teaching and learning techniques, according to the
characteristics of the subjects, the characteristics of students, the
characteristics of teachers and the real conditions of the resources available
at the school. In general, student-centered learning and teaching strategies/methods/techniques
(student centered) are more capable of empowering student learning. The
Ministry of National Education, 2002, stated that what is meant by
student-centered learning is learning that emphasizes student learning
activities, not teacher teaching activities. Therefore, active student learning
methods such as active learning, cooperative learning and quantum learning need
to be applied.
One of the teacher's tasks is to develop learning
resources and media for students, to achieve the effectiveness of learning
objectives. The form of the willingness and competence of teachers in
developing learning resources and media can be seen in the preparation of the
Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) and also the implementation of the RPP.
Media education as a source of learning helps teachers
enrich students' insight. Various forms and types of educational media used by
teachers become a source of knowledge for students. In explaining an object,
the teacher can bring the object directly in front of the students in the
class. By presenting the object along with an explanation of the object, the
object is used as a learning resource. Media as learning resources are
recognized as auditive, visual, and audiovisual aids. The use of these three
types of learning resources is not arbitrary, but must be adapted to the
formulation of instructional objectives, and of course to the competence of the
teacher himself.
To achieve teaching does not have to be seen from the
expensiveness of a medium, a simple one can also achieve it, as long as the teacher
is good at using it. So teachers who are good at using the media are teachers
who can manipulate the media as a source of learning and as a distributor of
information from the material presented to students in the teaching and
learning process. According to Sudjana, N and Rivai A, 2001, learning media has
a very important function. In general, the function of the media is as a
message distributor. Learning media can enhance student learning processes
which in turn can enhance learning outcomes achieved. The use of media in
learning can arouse students' curiosity, arouse students' interest and
motivation, generate stimulation in the teaching and learning process, and can
affect students' psychology.
dan Stoine in Wijaya dan A. Tabrani
Rusyan 2001, explained that competence is a description
of the qualitative nature of the behavior of teachers or education personnel
that looks very meaningful. While Charles E. Johnsons in Wijaya and A. Tabrani Rusyan 2012. defines that
competence is a rational behavior to achieve the required goals in accordance
with the expected conditions. From the above understanding it can be concluded
that competence is an ability or skill in a person in determining activities
that use eye movements, energy, thoughts, feelings and reasoning directly or
indirectly. Based on this understanding, what is meant by teacher competence in
developing learning resources and media is an ability or skill for teachers to
develop and select learning resources and media. The purpose of this study was
to determine the level of teacher skills in developing learning resources and
media after discussing the Think Pair and Share model. And the benefit is to
add and enrich the repertoire of theories about teacher skills in developing
learning resources and learning media.
This study uses school actions to be used as a means of
evaluating educational performance at the education unit level, the results of
which will provide useful input for decision making. Therefore, PTS is a form
of reflective research, through certain actions to improve and improve school
management in a professional manner. There are at least two characteristics of
PTS that distinguish it from other types of research. First, the problems raised
to be solved and the conditions to be improved depart from the practice of real
school management. Second, the principal can collaborate or ask for help from
others to identify and elaborate on the problem that will be used as a research
topic. (Mulyasa, 2010).
A. Data Collection
Data collection methods used in this study are as follows.
1. Questionnaire
(Arikunto, 2006) explains that a questionnaire or a questionnaire is a
number of written questions that are used to obtain information from
respondents in the sense of reporting on personal matters that are known. Thus,
it is clear that the characteristic of the questionnaire lies in collecting
data through a list of written questions and distributing it to obtain
information and data sources in the form of people.
The questionnaire was distributed to teachers to find out
the benefits of the Think Pair and Share method in increasing learning
resources and media.
2. Interview
Interviews or interviews are conducted by asking directly
to the resource persons to obtain data (information). According to Moleong
(2006: 124) it is said that the interview is an activity to get informants by
asking directly to the informant, in this case the researcher makes a framework
and outlines the points asked in the interview process.
In this study, interviews were conducted with the
teachers of SD Negeri 1 Klego, Klego District, Boyolali Regency, to find out
the teacher's response to the implementation of Think Pair and Share in
increasing learning resources and media.
3. Documentation
Documentation technique is a method used to utilize data
obtained from school profiles, notes, transcripts, information from books,
newspapers, internet and the like related to this research study.
4. Observation
According to Sutrisno Hadi (Sugiyono,
1999) suggests that "observation is a complex process, a
process composed of various biological and psychological processes. Two of the
most important are the processes of observation and memory.
Observations are carried out by observing directly the
teacher's competence in carrying out variations in learning in the classroom,
as material for analyzing and interpreting what will be done. The object of
this research is the implementation of the supervision of the Think Pair and
Share model in developing learning resources and media at SD Negeri 1 Klego,
Klego District, Boyolali Regency.
B. Data Analysis Techniques
In qualitative research, data
analysis is the process of systematically tracking and arranging interview
transcripts, field notes, and other materials collected to increase
understanding of these materials so that they can be interpreted by others (Bondan
& Biklen in Suharsimi (Arikunto, 2006).
In connection with this, then to
analyze the results of interviews and observations used qualitative analysis.
The steps taken in the qualitative analysis method are flow models which
include (Miles & Huberman, 1992):
1. Data reduction
The collected data were searched for themes and patterns,
highlighted the important points and then arranged systematically so that they
were easy to control. Data reduction is a process of selecting, focusing on
simplifying, abstracting, and transforming "rough" data that emerges
from written records in the field. In this stage, there are several activities
such as making summaries, coding, tracing themes, creating clusters, creating
partitions and writing memos.
2. Data display or data
By making a description of the research results so that
the overall picture can be seen to be able to draw conclusions correctly.
Presentation of data as a set of structured information that gives the
possibility of drawing conclusions and taking action.
3. Drawing conclusions and
At first, the conclusion was
temporary, vague, and doubtful, but with increasing data, the conclusion was
more grounded. So conclusions must always be verified during the research.
As for the data in the form of
numbers (test scores), descriptive statistical analysis will be used. According
to (Arikunto, 2006) �descriptive statistics is
a data processing technique whose purpose is to describe and analyze data
groups without making or drawing conclusions on the observed population.
Statistics of this type provide a way to reduce the amount of data into a form
that can be processed and describe it accurately about means, differences, relationships
and so on.
Results and Discussion
Based on the results of the study, it can be seen
that through supervision with the Think Pair and Share model of SD Negeri 1 Klego teachers, Klego District
teacher skills in developing learning resources and media can be increased.
Teacher Competence in
Developing Learning Resources and Media
Based on the observation of teacher competence in developing learning
resources and media in cycle I of 7 teachers, 6 teachers (86%) have good categories
in developing learning resources and media, and 1 teacher (14%) has sufficient
categories in developing resources and media. learning and in the second cycle
it is known that the average value of the teacher is 81.30, the highest score
is 92.73, and the lowest score is 70.91. Thus, the average value of teachers in
developing learning resources and media through the supervision of the Think
Pair and Share model in cycle I is included in the very good category.
Comparison of teacher competencies in developing learning resources and media
can be seen in the table below.
Table 1
Comparison of Teacher Competencies in the
Development of Learning
Resources and Media Cycle I and Cycle II
Teacher Code |
Cycle |
Ascension |
% |
I |
II |
A |
67.27 |
83.64 |
16.36 |
24.32 |
B |
70.91 |
78.18 |
7.27 |
10.26 |
C |
72.73 |
80.00 |
7.27 |
10.00 |
D |
56.36 |
70.91 |
14.55 |
25.81 |
E |
76.36 |
81.82 |
5.45 |
7.14 |
F |
78.18 |
92.73 |
14.55 |
18.60 |
G |
70.91 |
81.82 |
10.91 |
15.38 |
Average |
70.39 |
81.30 |
10.91 |
15.93 |
Lowest Value |
56.36 |
70.91 |
5.45 |
7.14 |
The highest score |
78.18 |
92.73 |
16.36 |
25.81 |
2. Teacher's Response to the Implementation of Think
Pair and Share Supervision
Based on observations of teacher responses to the implementation of Think
Pair and Share supervision of cycle I value learning from 7 teachers, 5
teachers (71.43%) responded that supervision with the Think Pair and Share
model had moderate benefits to improve the development of learning resources
and media, and 2 teachers (28.57%) responded that supervision with the Think
Pair and Share model has high benefits for improving the development of learning
resources and media. And in cycle II of 7 teachers, all teachers responded that
supervision with the Think Pair and Share model has high benefits for improving
the development of learning resources and media. Comparison of teacher responses
to the implementation of Think Pair and Share supervision can be seen in the
table below.
Table 2
Comparison of Teacher Response Values
on the Implementation of Think Pair and Share Supervision Cycle I
and Cycle II
Teacher Code |
Cycle I |
Cycle II |
Enhancement |
% |
A |
49 |
66 |
17 |
34.69 |
B |
53 |
63 |
10 |
18.87 |
C |
60 |
66 |
6 |
10.00 |
D |
51 |
69 |
18 |
35.29 |
E |
60 |
66 |
6 |
10.00 |
F |
45 |
56 |
11 |
24.44 |
G |
45 |
55 |
10 |
22.22 |
Average |
51.86 |
63.00 |
11.14 |
22.22 |
Minimum |
45.00 |
55.00 |
6.00 |
10.00 |
Maximum |
60.00 |
69.00 |
18.00 |
35.29 |
The Think
Pair and Share model is able to improve teacher competence in developing
learning resources and media, as evidenced by the implementation of cycle I and
cycle II, the value of teacher skills in developing learning resources and
media after being supervised by the Think Pair and Share model has increased.
Compared to the value of the first cycle, the average teacher value increased
by 10.91 (15.93%). The lowest increase was 5.45 (7.14%) and the highest was
16.36 (25.81%). The teacher's response to the implementation of Think Pair and
Share supervision after the first cycle of action and the second cycle of
action has increased compared to the value of the first cycle, the teacher's
response score to the benefits of supervision with the Think Pair and Share
model in order to improve the development of learning resources and media has
increased. Compared to the value of the first cycle, the average increased by
11.14 (22.22%). The lowest increase was 6 (10%) and the highest was 18 (35.29%)
in cycle II.
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publication right : Journal of
Business, Social and Technology (Bustechno) |
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