Journal of Business, Social and Technology (Bustechno) |
Negeri 1 Bade, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]
Abstract |
Information: Received Revised Accepted Keywords: Sickle
Kick; Peer Tutors; Pencak Silat |
research, which focuses on teachers' efforts to improve activities and
student learning outcomes in learning basic sickle kick techniques using the
peer tutoring method, is carried out in order to improve teacher and student
performance in an innovative and collaborative manner. This study aims to
improve the quality of the process and student learning outcomes that were
previously known to not meet learning expectations. This research was
conducted on third grade students of SD Negeri 1 Bade, Klego District, Boyolali
Regency. The research design used is an action research design whose flow is
to make action plans, carry out actions in learning, observe actions, and
reflect on actions. The results of these reflections are used to make
decisions. The research data are in the form of field notes, observation
notes, planning documentation. The collection instruments are observation
guidelines, field notes, and documentation. Data analysis using a qualitative
flowing approach includes stages of data reduction, data exposure, verification,
and data inference. To test the validity of the data, triangulation is
carried out with collaborators and students. completing this research, the
authors can conclude as follows. The peer tutoring method can increase the
activity and learning outcomes of Class III students of SD Negeri 1 Bade,
Klego District in learning basic sickle kick techniques. The average value of
the student learning process in the first cycle is 78.5. The acquisition of the
average value of student learning outcomes in cycle II, which is 86.3. |
We know that kicking is a basic human
motor learning. Since childhood, humans have learned basic motor skills such as
walking, running, kicking, hitting, and others. In martial arts that kicking is
the most dominant technique often used in martial sports such as fighting
degrees, taekwondo, pencak silat, wushu, and karate. One of them is pencak
silat which requires proficiency in mastering basic techniques. The basic
techniques that must be mastered are kick, punch, dodge and parry techniques.
There are many types of kicks in pencak silat including: front kicks, side
kicks, sickle kicks, and back kicks.
The sickle kick is a sickle-shaped kick
using the back of the foot. The execution of this kick is the same as the
principle of the front kick but the trajectory is in the form of a sickle with
one foot supporting and hitting the back of the foot. The process of kick
movement in pencak silat is carried out in an uninterrupted motion pattern,
starting from a stance position, lifting the kicker's leg to knee height, and
straightening the leg with fast movements to reach the opponent's body target.
In performing the sickle kick in pencak
silat that there are stages to perform the sickle kick correctly, not everyone
can perform the sickle kick technique, only people who have the skills or
abilities in the sport of pencak silat can perform the sickle kick correctly,
while people who do not have skills in the sport of pencak silat certainly
cannot do the right sickle kick. Thus the technique of kicking is very
important to be mastered properly.
To solve the problems mentioned above, innovation
and creativity are needed by teachers, especially in determining methods that
are in accordance with the characteristics of the material being taught.
teacher's creativity in choosing and determining the method.
Based on the results
of reflection on the process and results of teaching and learning activities of
pencak silat, the picture is obtained, as follows.
1. The
students' learning process during the sickle kick technique KBM was in progress
and seemed less active and less initiative. Activities are mostly dominated by
students who have a habit of being diligent and diligent in studying.
2. The
learning outcomes of most students do not reach the minimum completeness
criteria (KKM) for Physical Education subjects at school.
3. �The teacher finds it difficult to manage KBM
with the basic sickle kick technique so that it is meaningful to students.
4. Between
students there is no mutual learning, because there is no opportunity for that.
Conditions like
this are not good to be left, and for that teachers and students have the same
obligation to improve it until an optimal change is obtained. The purpose of
this study is to describe the learning process of the basic sickle kick
technique in pencak silat in third grade students of SD Negeri 1 Bade, Klego
District, Boyolali Regency in the 2021/2022 academic year using the peer tutor
method and the benefit of this research is to get a new theory about Physical
Education learning outcomes. basic technique concept of sickle kick in pencak
A. Techniques
and Data Collection
The data and data sources of
this research include the types of data and data sources.This type of research
data is in the form of students' ability to perform basic sickle kick technique
skills. The data sources used in this Classroom Action Research are as follows:
1. Students, as
subjects to get data on basic skills of the sickle kick technique.
value of basic scythe kick technique skills
No. |
Sickle Kick Indicator |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
1 |
Position of the tide (initial) |
2 |
Knees raised first (approximately 100
degrees) |
3 |
The position of the body when lifting the
legs in a balanced state |
4 |
Letting go of a straight leg |
5 |
The position of the body when releasing the
legs is in a balanced state |
6 |
The position of both hands close to the body |
7 |
Pulling leg with knees together
(approximately 100 degrees) |
8 |
The position of the body when docked is
balanced |
9 |
The position of the hands in front of the
chest |
10 |
Back to the attitude of pairs with a
balanced state |
(Johansyah Lubis, 2004 )
Data Analysis
The data collection of
test scores obtained the value of the test results in the form of numbers or
quantitative. Data in quantitative form were analyzed using comparative
descriptive analysis, namely comparing the test scores for the initial
conditions, cycle I (first), cycle II (second). Data obtained through
observation/interviews in the form of qualitative data. Data in the form of
qualitative were analyzed, using qualitative descriptive analysis based on the
results of observations/interviews for reflection.
Performance Indicators
Broadly speaking, the indicator to be achieved
in this study is the increase in learning achievement of third grade students
of SD Negeri 1 Bade, Klego District, Boyolali Regency for the 2021/2022
academic year. The quality of learning can be seen in terms of processes and results.
Learning achievement is said to be successful if at least 70% of students are
actively involved, either physically, mentally, or socially during the learning
process there are positive changes and high-quality outputs.
Results and Discussion
The use of peer tutoring methods in learning
material for basic skills of sickle kicks in Grade III students of SD Negeri 1
Bade, Klego District, Boyolali Regency in the 2021/2022 academic year can
increase students' enthusiasm and activeness, the atmosphere of learning activities
becomes more conducive, so that learning objectives can be achieved maximally.
The use of peer tutoring methods and varied training
formations is an approach that can arouse students' motivation in participating
in learning, so that students can perform various basic skills of sickle kick
techniques well and optimally which in turn can improve the material skills of
basic sickle kick techniques in pencak silat.
The material for basic sickle kick technique skills
for Class III SD Negeri 1 Bade students after the improvement of learning cycle
I and cycle II increased sharply. This is because students are more
enthusiastic and active in learning. They are interested in the use of peer
tutoring methods and different training formations in each cycle. Students feel
unsaturated, even feel challenged by the formation of the game. It turns out
that the peer tutoring method and the use of varied training formations attract
students' attention in participating in learning.
Based on data analysis, learning using the peer
tutor method can improve the basic skills of the sickle kick technique. Student
learning activity has increased, the material for basic sickle kick technique
skills has also increased. After the improvement of learning as much as II
cycles, all 17 students have achieved satisfactory grades.
physical education learning is not only concerned with quantitative values, but
the most important thing is the process. After learning the basic skills of the
sickle kick using peer tutoring methods and varied training formations, the
learning process becomes conducive, students look enthusiastic, active, and
enthusiastic in participating in learning, so that the final impact to be
achieved in the form of increasing student fitness and health can be achieved
The application of the peer tutoring method in
Physical Education subjects with basic sickle kick technique skills for third
grade students of SD Negeri 1 Bade in the 2021/2022 academic year, learning is
more interesting and fun. There was an increase in the learning achievement of
Physical Education on the basic technical skills of the sickle kick by using
the application of the peer tutor method in third grade students of SD Negeri 1
Bade, Klego District.
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Juyinah �(2022) |
publication right : Journal of
Business, Social and Technology (Bustechno) |
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