Journal of Business, Social and Technology (Bustechno)






SD Negeri 2 Kalangan, Indonesia

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Article Information:







Drill Method; Down Passing; Volley Ball

Research that focuses on teachers' efforts to increase activities and results. This study aims to improve volleyball bottom passing learning through the drill method for fifth graders at SD Negeri 2 Kalangan, Klego District, Boyolali Regency for the 2019/2020 Academic Year. This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR). which consists of two cycles, each cycle consists of 1 meeting. The subjects of this study were the fifth grade students of SD Negeri 2 Kalangan, Klego District, Boyolali Regency, for the 2019/2020 academic year, with a total of 11 students. The instruments used for data collection in this study were the bottom passing assessment sheet, observation sheet for students and observation sheet for teachers. Groups for 2 cycles can improve student achievement. This can be proven from the results of observing student learning outcomes from 11 students in the initial conditions the number of students who achieved a KKM score of 70 was only 1 student, and in the first cycle increased to 6 students, then in the second cycle, increased to 11 students who achieved a KKM score of 70 even more. So that classical completeness in the class has more than 75% of students who have completed learning.



In achieving the objectives of physical education, many supporting factors are needed, among others, the teacher as a transmitter of information, students as recipients of information, infrastructure, and methods. The method chosen and used in the theoretical and practical learning process is solely to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the learning process. The learning process can be said to be effective if the behavior changes that occur in students at least reach the optimal level. Healthy attitudes and behavior in students can be formed by increasing student participation actively in all forms of sports activities including sports games, such as volleyball.

The volleyball game is a game whose movements are quite complex, namely a combination of walking, running, jumping, and elements of strength, speed, flexibility, and other elements. To perform the movements in the game of volleyball well, good physical abilities are needed. With good physical condition, it will be easier to carry out more complex movements and make it easier to master the basic techniques of playing volleyball, such as the basic technique of passing down. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct training from an early age. One of them can be done through physical education in schools.

In physical education learning there are various methods.(Mosston & Ashworth, 1986) argued that "the method consists of two groups, namely the direct method and the indirect method". In the direct method the teacher's role is more (teacher centered) which includes five kinds of methods, namely: the command method, the training method, the reciprocal method, the self-check method, and the inclusion method. Indirect methods include: guided discovery method, convergent discovery method, exploration method, and divergent production method.

The methods used by teachers in the practice of learning physical education in general and volleyball in particular, tend to be traditional. The model method used tends to be teacher centered, in which students perform movements or practice skills based on teacher instructions. Exercises or skills based on student initiative are almost never done. Experience shows, applying a teacher-centered method in teaching basic volleyball techniques, students seem less stimulating to their learning spirit, get bored or bored quickly, decrease students' interest in taking physical education in general, playing volley ball in particular and even using this method. This does not improve students' ability to play volleyball. Whereas in physical education learning, the essential thing is to prioritize the elements of play, joy, pedagogy, foster health and self-confidence for students in socializing so that students do not get bored.

To solve the problems mentioned above, innovation and creativity are needed by teachers, especially in determining methods that are in accordance with the characteristics of the material being taught. The role of physical education teachers in an effort to foster students and improve students' abilities in mastering the basic techniques of playing volleyball is very dependent on the creativity of teachers in choosing and determining methods.

Based on the results of reflection on the process and results of teaching and learning activities, basic passing techniques are obtained, as follows.

1.    The students' learning process when the basic under-passing KBM technique was in progress seemed less active and lacked initiative. Activities are mostly dominated by students who have a habit of being diligent and diligent in studying.

2.    The learning outcomes of most students do not reach the minimum completeness criteria (KKM) for Physical Education subjects at school.

3.    The teacher has difficulty in managing the basic under-passing teaching and learning techniques so that it is meaningful for students.

4.    There is no mutual learning between students, because there is no opportunity for that.

Conditions like this are not good to be left, and for that teachers and students have the same obligation to improve it until an optimal change is obtained. The purpose of this research is to describe the process of learning the basic technique of passing under the volleyball game with the drill method and the benefits of this research are Get a new theory about the learning outcomes of PJOK on the subject of passing down the volleyball game.



A. Techniques and Data Collection

In this study, the technique used for data collection is a test and observation technique. Operationally, the meaning of the test according to Masnur Muslich (2010: 146), is a number of tasks that must be done by the test. Test technique to determine the improvement of learning outcomes. Observation is used to find out the shortcomings or difficulties of students with the media used in the learning process. Observation is also used to determine the improvement and success in the learning process.

Research on efforts to improve the learning of underpassing in the volleyball game for fifth grade students of SD Negeri 2 Klego District uses the action method. Data obtained through the process of observation, and to obtain data using:

1. Student volley ball passing success assessment sheet. (attached)

2. Teacher observation sheet (attached)

B. Data Analysis

Data in the form of numbers will be analyzed by comparative descriptive analysis, namely comparing the initial conditions with the changes that occur in each action. Improvements that occur will be displayed in the form of a simple table to support the verbal description. Qualitative data from observations will be analyzed with critical description analysis by displaying data, connecting and analyzing causally (Basrowi, 2008).


Results and Discussion

Based on the reflection of the analysis of the collected data, the results of the class action show that at the end of the cycle there is an increase in the quality of learning. This can be seen in the data on the results of students' under-passing skills, data on the results of teacher learning observations, and data on observations on student attitudes, as follows:

1.    Cycle I

In the first cycle, the action in the learning process of passing down the volleyball with the fifth grade students of SD Negeri 2 Kalangan was correct. In the learning process, most of the students felt happy, not afraid, happy to do the basic technique of passing down the volleyball correctly. The learning method has been adapted to the growth and development characteristics of students so that students find it easy to carry out every movement they make.

2.    Cycle II

In the second cycle, the learning process for passing down volleyball with the drill learning method with the help of a plastic ball was better and more satisfying. The actions given in cycle II by adding variations to exercises and combining them make learning more interesting, students do it with high enthusiasm and don't feel afraid so that the results of the volleyball underhand passing technique are getting better, supporting information in the appendix. Thus the action on the skills of passing down the volleyball on the fifth grade students of SD Negeri 2 Klego District is said to be successful. After evaluating the class actions that have been carried out for two cycles, this learning approach can be used as a reference for the next learning process. Meanwhile, actions that are less successful are expected to be studied for improvement and refinement. The success of learning to pass under volleyball with the drill learning method makes it easier for teachers to convey learning. Students are motivated to show their best ability.



Learning passing down through the drill learning method for fifth grade students of SD Negeri 2 Kalangan, Klego District for 2 cycles can improve student achievement. This can be proven from the observations of student learning outcomes from 11 students in the initial conditions the number of students who achieved the KKM score of 70 was only 1, and in the first cycle it increased to 6 students, then in the second cycle, it increased to 11 students who achieved the KKM score of 70 even more. So that classical completeness in the class has reached more than 75% of students who have completed learning.




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Copyright holder :

Sugito (2022)


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Journal of Business, Social and Technology (Bustechno)


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