Journal of Business, Social and Technology (Bustechno)




Rio Renaldi

Ridwan Institute, Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]







Article Information:







policy; preservation of culture; tayub dance art

The Research Title is An Analysis of Cultural Preservation Policy at the Depok Regency Youth and Sports Tourism Cultural Office. This is because aside from the culture and the community, the role of the Government, namely the Department of Youth Tourism culture and sports Depok regency is very large role in the preservation of culture, especially Tayub Dance. This research is about the analysis of cultural preservation policies in the Depok Regency Youth and Sports Tourism Cultural Office on tayub dance arts in Mertasinga Village, Gunung Jati SubDistrict which aims to 1) To find out the implementation of the cultural preservation program policy of the Department of Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sports Depok regency; 2) To find out the factors that support the policy in the cultural conservation program of the Depok Regency Department of Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sports; 3) To find out the obstacles faced in the cultural preservation policy in the Department of Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sports Depok Regency. This research uses qualitative descriptive research that describes the analysis of cultural preservation policies in the Department of Cultural Tourism of Youth and Sports, and also uses interview methods for data search. The results of this study show that 1) There is still no implementation of cultural preservation program policy in the Department of Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sports Depok Regency, 2) There are still not maximal cultural development in the Department of Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sports Depok Regency, 3) There are obstacles to cultural preservation policy in the Department of Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sports Depok Regency..




The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is based on Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 BAB III Pasal 32 berbunyi ; �The Government of Advancing Indonesian National Culture" explained that the nation's culture is a culture that arises as the cultivation of the People of Indonesia as a whole. Old and original cultures that exist as cultural peaks in regions throughout Indonesia are counted as the culture of the nation. Cultural efforts must go towards the advancement of centuries, culture and unity by not rejecting materials from foreign cultures that can develop the nation's own culture, as well as heightening the humanitarian drajat of the Indonesian nation (Dunn, 2003).

Tap. No. IV / MPR / 198. BAB 13 Pasal 32, Reads, In the framework of art development needs to be developed policies that support the creativity of healthy artists. Regional development is improved in order to develop national arts in order to further enrich the diverse arts. Furthermore, in article 18 B (1) the State recognizes and respects government units of a special or special nature governed by law (2) The State recognizes and respects the unity of indigenous peoples as well as traditional rights as long as they are alive and in accordance with the development of society and the principles of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, which is stipulated in the Constitution of 1945 Chapter III Article 32 (Darsoprajitno, 2002).

Regarding the national development of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia has made a policy on local governments to overcome their respective regional problems by making Law No. 12 of 2008 on Regional Autonomy, namely the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 12 of 2008 on the Second Amendment to Law No. 32 of 2004 on Local Government.

The Regional Autonomy Law on decentralization, the local government has its own policies, especially regarding the regionality has been regulated by their respective regions, namely with the West Java Provincial Regulation No. 6 Year 2003 on "Arts Maintenance (Regional Gazette Year 2003 No.6 E series)".

The arts in West Java province are very much, including arts about regional dance, traditional houses, and other art tools. But here the author focuses his discussion on dance originating from Depok, namely Tayub Depok Dance (Ranjabar, 2006).

The history of Tayub Depok is thought to have grown during the reigning queen's panembahan era in Depok. As a dance of association and respect, art initially developed among the upper middle class. The meaning of Tayub Dance itself comes from the word Toyiba or Toyib which means "goodness" But in today's globalization, Tayub Dance is starting to be abandoned by the People of Depok, so that only some Depok people, especially young people in Depok do not know what tayub dance is (Parsons, 2005).

This illustrates that Tayub Dance is now not an interest for the community, especially in Depok area, it can be seen from the lack of public interest in recognizing Tayub Dance which implies a lack of regeneration or successor for the sake of its existence Tayub Dance. In addition, the local government, especially the Department of Youth Tourism culture and sports has not optimal socialist action or Tayub Dance training in particular (Winarno, 2012).

In line with the policy of cultural preservation, especially in Depok regency stated that the Department of Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sports is expected to be active and develop cultural preservation in Depok regency as optimally as possible.

Indeed Tayub Dance is still a lot of fans but the current situation is no longer as beautiful as its name, so often Tayub Dance is not used as a means of association, on the contrary struggle. Nowadays only a few art galleries are still exist maintaining Tayub Dance as a regional cultural heritage. One of the art galleries that is still exist in maintaining Tayub Dance is Sanggar Seni Kencana Ungu which is located in Mertasinga Village, Gunung Jati District, Depok Regency.

Running the wheels of the organization Purple Kencana Art Gallery there are several obstacles including budget constraints for oprasionalization of activities and limited infrastructure owned by The Purple Kencana Art Gallery, while in the description above the local government has made regulations on the maintenance of the arts (Ngalimun, 2016).

Policy deviations made by the Depok Regency Government through the Department of Youth Tourism Culture and Sports regarding the maintenance of the arts can be seen from:

a.     The lack of education and training of Tayub Dance conducted by the Department of Culture and Sports Tourism to art galleries in Depok Regency.

b.    The budget for maintenance is incidental and not continuous.

c.     In submitting proposals activities tend to be complicated by the bureaucracy in Depok Regency.

In addition to the Depok Regency Government through the Department of Youth Tourism Culture and Sports the problems faced regarding Tayub Dance include the lack of regeneration and the interest of successors who carry out Tayub Dance, the lack of tayub dance training specifically conducted by the Department of Youth Tourism Culture and Sports as well as the community, the lack of interest of the younger generation towards traditional dance including Tayub Dance in it (Tumanggor, Ridlo, & H Nurochim, 2017).

Based on the description above, the author is interested in doing research with the title: "Analysis of Cultural Preservation Policy in the Department of Youth Tourism Culture and Sports Depok Regency".

This research was conducted by referring to the policy analysis of cultural preservation programs in the Department of Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sports Depok regency which includes the still not optimal policy of cultural preservation programs in the Department of Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sports Depok Regency and what factors influence the policy of cultural preservation programs.��������



Research methods are basically a scientific way to obtain data with specific purposes and uses. Based on this, there are four keywords that need to be considered, namely, scientific methods, data, objectives, and activities. The scientific way means that research activities are based on scientific characteristics, namely rational, empirical, and systematic.

The research method used in this research is qualitative method using case study approach according to (Yin, 2011) is one of the research methods of social sciences. In addition to case studies there are still several other methods such as experimentation, survey, historical, and documentary information analysis (as in economic studies). The use of each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, depending on three things, namely: 1) the type of research question, 2) the control that the reviewer has on the behavioral events he will research, and 3) the focus on the research phenomenon (contemporary phenomenon or historical phenomenon).

According to Robert K. Yin identified six source evidences in a case study, as mentioned below:

a.     The documents of a case study can be in the form of letters, memoranda, agendas, administrative letters, newspaper articles, or in the form of relevant documents for investigation. In the interest of triangulation of evidence, these documents serve to corroborate evidence from other sources. The document could lead to falsehoods at the hands of experienced researchers, who have been critical of case studies. Documents are communication between the parties in the study, researchers as observers replace and maintain this thought will help researchers avoid the misledness of the document.

b.    Document archives get records services from researchers, organizational logging, rosters, survey data, and other types of logging. Investigators should be careful in assessing the accuracy of records before using them. Even if recording is quantitative, they may still be inaccurate.

c.     Interviews are one of the most important sources of case study information. There are several forms of interviews: open interviews, focused interviews, and structured or surveys. In an open interview, respondents or sources of information are asked to comment on specific events. They can submit solutions or provide information about events that occur over a period of time. They can also corroborate evidence obtained from other sources. Researchers should avoid reliance on one informant, and look for the same data from other sources to check its authenticity. Focused interviews are used in situations where the respondents interviewed for a short period of time, usually answering questions already set. This technique is often used to confirm data collected from other sources. Structured interviews are similar to surveys, and are used to collect data in cases such as environmental studies. Questions are detailed and developed in advance, just like those in the survey.

d.    Direct observation occurs when field visits are conducted during case studies. It can be as simple as casual data collection activities, or formal protocols for measuring and recording behavior. This technique is useful for providing additional information about the topic being studied. Reliability is improved when more than one observer is involved in the task.

e.     The observations made the researchers active participants in the study. This is often the case in the study of the environment or group. This technique provides some unusual opportunities to collect data, but can face some problems. Researchers could also change the course of events as part of a group, which may not be helpful to study.

f.     Physical artifacts can be tools, instruments, or some other physical evidence that can be collected during a study as part of a field trip. The researcher's perspective could be expanded as a result of that discovery.

The research method used in this study aims to provide an overview of Cultural Preservation Policy Analysis at the Department of Youth Tourism culture and sports.

According to (Moleong, 2019) defining qualitative methods is a particular tradition in social sciences that fundamentally joins from observations in humans. Bogdan and taylor in (Moleong, 2007) define qualitative methods as research procedures that produce descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from people and observed behaviors1.


Results and Discussion

In this chapter, researchers will describe the results of the study and discuss data from the results of the study on "Analysis of Cultural Preservation Policy in the Department of Youth Tourism culture and Sports Depok Regency.

1.    Cultural Preservation Policy

Public policy is a product of policies made by the government in the form of government actions, has a specific purpose and is intended for the benefit of the community not only the interests of certain groups. If a policy is given legitimacy by the authorized body, then the policy can be enforced implementation and is binding for people / parties who are the target of the policy. Public policy is a formal decision of the government that contains development programs as the realization of the functions or duties of the state as well as in order to achieve goals.

According to some experts on public policy, according to Charles O. Jones (Winarno, 2012) "Policy terms are used in everyday practice but are used to replace very different activities or decisions. This term is often exchanged with goals, programs, decisions, standards, proposals and grand design".

The philosophy of preservation is based on the human tendency to preserve cultural values in the past but has significance for the next generation. However, conservation measures are increasingly complex when faced with the real reality. Preservation measures intended to preserve artworks as historical testimonies, often clash with other interests, especially in development activities.

The government in this case the Department of Youth Tourism culture and sports Depok regency is very influential in the preservation of culture, especially Tayub Dance Arts in mertasinga village, Gunung Jati district. As contained in Tap. No. IV / MPR / 198. Chapter 13 Article 32, reads:

"In the framework of art development needs to be developed policies that support the creativity of healthy artists. Regional development is improved in order to develop national arts in order to further enrich the diverse arts".

Furthermore, in article 18 B (1) the State recognizes and respects government units of a special or special nature governed by law (2) The State recognizes and respects the unity of indigenous peoples as well as traditional rights as long as they are alive and in accordance with the development of society and the principles of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, which is stipulated in the Constitution of 1945 Chapter III Article 32.

2.    Formulation of problems

Problem formulation is the most fundamental stage in the policy formulation process. Because this stage is formulating what exactly is the problem of policy to be solved immediately. The stages begin with the recognition or "perceived civility" of a problem situation. The transfer from the problem situation must go through a "problem search" that is still multi-interpretation (meta problem), then the move to a paradigmatic problem (substantive problem). From a formal issue that has been specific to a policy, then back again to the situation of the problem that is the result of "problem recognition". In the formulation of the problem is a crucial point that requires good intentions or commitment from government authorities so that at the stages that go through it can produce a clear and firm classification which includes private issues and which maslah tegolong public problems.

According to (Dunn, 2003) the first process in policy analysis is the formulation of problems, namely:

"A stage in the study where the analysis, which is expected with imformation on the consequences of some policies began to experience a situation of confusion, difficulty where difficulties develop throughout the situation, and affect the whole".

Department of Youth Tourism culture and sports Depok regency as a government institution, one of the main tasks is the implementation of operations in the field of Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sports which includes operational control. Assisted by the Arts Section prepares work plans and programs, as guidelines for the implementation of its duties. Then the conduct of coordination with the relevant work units in the framework of the implementation of technical policies in the field of the arts include the development and development of the arts and empowerment to artists and culturalists.

In this case, the Department of Youth Tourism culture and Sports Depok Regency through the Arts Section carried out an inventory of problems in the arts and formulated policy measures, suggestions for solving them.

Based on the results of interviews conducted by researchers on informants, mentioning:

The first interview was conducted by the researcher to the Head of Cultural Affairs of the Depok Youth and Sports Tourism Department by asking: To what extent do you think the father socialized to the community about Tayub Dance in Depok Regency?

The Head of Culture, Department of Youth Tourism and Sports Culture, Depok Regency said that:

"Socialization is carried out through two stages, namely: (a) through the Art Performance scheduled by the Office to socialize the arts in Depok regency including Tayuban in which usually this event is held on every Depok Regency's 10th Day; (b) at public entertainment events (art considered by the community) Tayuban is also biased in collaborated with other dance arts, including in the play or as a mask performance"

3.    Coverage

Coverage is still distinguished into two parts, namely (a) content analysis which is an empirical definition of policy content, especially on the purpose, definition of the problem, the purpose and orientation of a policy; (b) historical analysis that emphasizes the evolution of policy content from the beginning of formation to its implementation is even expansive in comparing some policies chronologically.

Coverage (Description) aims for the creation and transfer of information after policy action is taken. Which includes several types of activities that are branched out by three types of analysis groups:

a.     Discipline-oriented analysis, more focused on developing and testing basic theories in scientific disciplines, and explaining policy causation. Orientation on policy goals and objectives is not very dominant. Thus, if set for policy basis requires additional review to be more operational.

b.    Problem-oriented analysis, focused on aspects of causal relationships of the policy, is applied, but still general. Goal orientation is general, but can provide policy variables that may be able to be oriented to achieve specific goals and objectives.

c.     Analysis that orientates the application, explaining the relationship of causality, more sharply to identify the objectives and objectives of the policy and its perpetrators. The resulting information can be used to evaluate specific policy outcomes, formulate policy issues, establish new policy alternatives, and lead to practical problem solving..

4.    Evaluation

In general, policy evaluation can be said to be an activity that concerns the estimation or assessment of policies that include substance, implementation and impact. In this case the evaluation is seen as a functional activity. This means that policy evasion is not only carried out in the entire policy process. Thus, policy evaluation can include the formulation of policy issues, proposed programs to solve policy problems, implementation and policy impact stages.

Cultural Affairs Department of Youth Tourism and Sports Tourism Depok Regency that from his side admitted there are still shortcomings in the Department of Youth Tourism culture and sports Depok regency, this is due to the number and diversity of arts that each year still does not meet the target of every type of arts that exist and also limited budget. This is also supported by the opinion of supporting informants who argue that the performance of the Depok Regency Youth and Sports Tourism Cultural Office is perceived to be still not good. Singga raised concerns from the Cultural, Sanggar Leaders, Members of Sanggar, Kuwu and the community will be extinct Tayub Dance Arts.

5.    Recommendations

Policy-analysis procedures of recommendations allow analysts to generate information about possible future actions to produce valuable consequences for individuals, groups or communities as a whole. It contains information about policy actions, future consequences after taking alternative actions, and subsequently determined which alternatives to choose.

In making policy analysis recommendations specifically answer various issues about goals, costs, obstacles, externality of time. And risks and uncertainties. Public and private choices differ in three ways: the nature of the public policy process, the nature of collective public policy objectives, and the meaning of public goods. The two main approaches to public policy analysis recommendations are cost-benefit analysis and cost-effectiveness analysis. In performing a cost-benefit analysis it is necessary to complete a series of measures: target specifications. Alternative identikation, collection, analysis and interpretation of information; target group specifications; identification of cost types and benefits; discounting costs and benefits; criteria specifications for recommending; and the recommendations themselves. Cost effectiveness analysis is appropriately used if targets cannot be disclosed in net income.

The assessment of alternatives will give you an idea of an appropriate alternative option to achieve public policy objectives. In this process is to formulate recommendations on alternatives that are calculated to achieve the objectives optimum. Recommendations can be one or more alternatives, with the right arguman of the various assessment factors. In this recommendation should be put forward the implementation strategy of the policy alternatives presented to public policy makers.

For recommendations of the Department of Youth Tourism culture and sports Depok regency assisted by the Department of Culture who has the task of managing the preparation of plans and work programs in the Field of Culture, as guidelines for the implementation of tasks. Distributing and giving instructions for the implementation of tasks to the Section Heads, in accordance with their duties. Monitor, control, evaluate and assess the execution of tasks. Coordinate with the relevant task force in the framework of the implementation of cultural activities. Develop and formulate technical policies in the field of Culture. Following the preparation and development of cultural activities.

In addition to the Cultural Section, the Cultural Office of Youth Tourism and Sports of Depok Regency is also assisted by the Arts Section, one of its duties is to include artists and culturalists to the performances of arts and culture at the local, regional, national and foreign levels as a promotion of Depok regency. Facilitating the establishment of a forum for artists and culturalists of Depok Regency.

6.    Practical collection

Practical conclusions, aimed at reaching close conclusions so that policy problems can be solved. Practical words, emphasized more on the close conclusions drawn with social values and norms. This understanding is intended to answer the misunderstanding of recommendations that are often interpreted in information that is less operational or less practical, is far from the real phenomenon.



Based on the results of the analysis that has been described in Chapter IV, can be drawn some conclusions as follows: 1) Cultural dissipation policy that includes the formulation of problems, coverage, evaluation, recommendations and practical conclusions carried out by the Department of Youth Tourism culture and Sports Depok Regency in the preservation of Culture, especially Tayub Dance Arts in Mertasinga Village, Gunung Jati District, felt still not maximally felt by culturalists, members of the workshop and the community mertasinga village. This is due to the lack of maximum government role, namely the Depok Regency Youth and Sports Tourism Cultural Office. 2) Factors that support the policy in the cultural conservation program of the Department of Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sports of Depok Regency are communication between agencies and recipients of policies, supervision of agencies on cultural preservation and forms of implementation. The condition of communication between agencies and policy recipients in the cultural conservation program, especially Tayub Dance is still lacking, this is because the Department of Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sports Depok regency involves less Cultural, local art galleries and mertasinga village community in the formulation of cultural preservation programs especially Tayub Dance. Supervision of the Department of Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sports of Depok Regency towards the preservation of culture, especially Tayub Dance is very important so that the preservation of culture can run well and in accordance with expectations. In addition, supervision is carried out so that there are no policy irregularities that have been determined. The implementation of cultural preservation carried out by the Department of Youth Tourism culture and sports of Depok Regency is in accordance with the budget. But for the art actors themselves are still not as expected. 3) In implementing the policy of cultural preservation in this case Tayub Dance Arts Department of Youth Tourism culture and sports Depok district experienced obstacles including: a) Lack of socialization about Tayub Dance Arts to the community this can be seen from the lack of performance tayub dance. b) The lack of involvement of culturalists, sanggar owners, members of the workshop, Kuwu and mertasinga community in negotiating the arts budget, especially tayub art. c) Less than the maximum efforts of the Government through the Department of Youth Tourism culture and sports Depok regency. d) Lack of education and training tayub dance conducted by the Department of Culture Tourism Youth and Sports to art galleries in Depok Regency. e) The budget for maintenance is incidental is not continuous f) In the submission of proposals activities tend to be complicated by the bureaucracy in Depok regency. g) Lack of regeneration and interest of successors who carry out Tayub Dance, lack of tayub dance training specifically conducted by the Department of Youth Tourism Culture and Sports and the community, lack of interest of the younger generation towards traditional dance including Tayub Dance in it.




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Copyright holder :

Rio Renaldi (2021)


First publication right :

Journal of Business, Social and Technology (Bustechno)


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